Please don’t cross the picket line.
Amazons workers across 20 countries, including the United States, are striking against what the organizing labor union calls anti-worker and anti-democratic practices.
@davidaugust are the striking workers calling for a boycott in support? are the counting on the large sales to make their strike more effective? I support whatever the workers are calling for, but we need to support how they ask, not just assume.
@PinballWitch @davidaugust thanks for asking. our apologies - we indeed forgot to check before resharing.
@PinballWitch @davidaugust we had to search around a bit to find information; the link above is supposedly to a video but, if there's a video there, it's not compatible with our browser. anyway, we see nothing to suggest workers are calling for a boycott. we welcome information to the contrary, including authoritative statements.
@ireneista @davidaugust ive looked and have yet to find any official statement calling for a boycott either. and as a poor disabled person i need to take advantage of sales when i can. i will happily boycott if that's what they ask for but if not i need to takr advantage of any big sale im able to.
@PinballWitch @ireneista for a combination of jurisdictional reasons, various unions legally often cannot call for boycotts.
Best move: doing anything that supports Amazon for the next 4 days (through Monday) may be counterproductive. Put another way: do whatever you can do to make Amazon pay.
Amplifying the message of the workers is valuable, and anything else you are able to do also helps.
The official site for the international effort:
@davidaugust never have, never will
Glad to see people unionizing against this piece of shit company. As a former warehouse employee myself I highly encourage others to speak up on their experiences
@davidaugust for me, I despise Amazon and all it stands for.
I won't buy there.
@vextaur you’re right, coordinated efforts by people in 20 different countries have never turned the tide of bad things before (world war 2, extinguishing small pox, etc.). I mean it’s not like unions have accomplished anything, other than the weekend, the 40 hour work week, workplace safety, a livable wage leading to a strong middle class, and on and on.
Going to mute you for a week to avoid such…insights.
Best of luck.
And that means ... DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING FROM AMAZON... C'mon people??