@davidaugust @CStamp I guess we were all fooled, a POTUS is a king and democracy is non-existent.
@josuex With respect mate, many of us were never fooled, not at any moment.
@freequaybuoy I was being sarcastic, democracy has never existed in the USA. Democracy for some, is not democracy.
@josuex Oh I see, sorry, thought you were talking about specifically about Trump, but yes you did say POTUS and yes, I was fooled, at least in part, growing up on '80s US propaganda.
@freequaybuoy I also grew up on 1980s American propaganda. They told us all people were created equal. It wasn't until somewhere in the last decade that I came to the understanding that it was all bullshit.
@davidaugust @CStamp Approval Rating? Mortality Rating more like.
The bar is pretty high. He killed hundreds of thousands of Americans last time by sabotaging the response to the Covid pandemic.
He’s more than up for the job, as his master Putin commands.
@casjo2022 @davidaugust His first murder was a little old 80-yr-old in a wheel chair, from his first xenophobic EO.
@davidaugust @CStamp
His total kill rate was pretty high from COVID & migrants when he left office in 2021.
@cynblogger @CStamp he is aiming to exceed that count.
@davidaugust @CStamp
This is what #anarchy looks like and it's probably been decades in the making. Do watch this new @dw documentary for context: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jrhREluLdBs