I made a thing. It’s an EDN parser. 6x faster than clojure.edn. Drop-in replacement. Extensively tested. Better errors. Faster than transit-clj. 100% free. Enjoy
@nikitonsky how'd you make it so fast?
@aburka mainly by avoiding two things clojure.edn does:
- reading from Reader one char at a time,
- using regexps.
@nikitonsky looks really cool. I believe transit was born largely to take advantage of being able to call JSON.parse in browser, so I am not sure a jvm only library can make that obsolete.
@nikitonsky Christmas coming early this year!
@nikitonsky know nothing about clojure, but dare I ask why most of the code is in java? Are there some technical reasons or that’s just a personal choice?
@nikitonsky is closure noticeably slower than java? I thought they should be on par, assuming they both run on top of same jvm?
@miga yes, it’s much slower, esp. when it comes down to byte manipulation