"Alex Jones" takes the urbanism redpill on the podcast this week
"Are You Into Bus Stuff?" is the only comedy podcast about traffic deaths
probably for a good reason
"Alex Jones" takes the urbanism redpill on the podcast this week
"Are You Into Bus Stuff?" is the only comedy podcast about traffic deaths
probably for a good reason
@ascentale @pete @bikenite A8. #BikeNite Well...last Autumn, the ancient Shimano rear hub on my fitness bike ran dry, so I tore it down, cleaned it out, and regreased everything. The bearing race on one side did not look great, it had heavy scoring wear, but, it's still OK enough. I don't think it's sealing very well, so I may have to keep an eye on it and repack the bearings more often. The hub (the whole bike, really) is over 30 years old.
@ascentale @daihard @bikenite #BikeNite A6. I have had great success with my Cat Eye lights, from Japan. I have used them mounted both horizontally on my rear basket and handlebars, and vertically on my seat post, and neither has ever moved, because they are very lightweight, and the clamps hold tightly.
On my ebike, I use the Auto Rapid 3 (discontinued, 1xAA). On my fitness bike, I use the Omni 3 (2xAAA) front and rear.
@ascentale @bikenite A1. A day late and a dollar short for #BikeNite again, posting from home in New England.
What made me smile this week was that I was just elected to a town representative seat for 3 years, and we had a preliminary meeting on the other side of town, about 3.5 miles away. The forecast was for temps near freezing, with rain/snow mix, and that made me nervous because the cars on the roads I'd need to ride would make it very dangerous. The weather thankfully held off.
@ascentale @daihard @bikenite A6. (2/2)
I do this on my bike. Dynamo light on left side of front rack, under the basket. Rear light is on the left seatstay near the dropouts.
- Keeps lights from being blocked by rack contents
- A little less exposure to elements or thieves
- Low angle on headlight highlights bumps and dips in surface with cast shadows
I do this with strap on lights on other bikes too. Most straps can get around fork blades.
@ascentale @daihard @bikenite A6. (1/2)
Have you tried mounting on the verticals instead of the horizontal? You’ll be fighting gravity less. If you find that the light still shifts down. Wrapping something around the tube can make a little shelf where you want it to sit, and keep it in one place.
If you put the lights on the traffic side (US left, JP right) of your frame, there will be very little visibility penalty to the offset.
@ascentale Riding around with stuff inside my cargo bike that rattles around and makes a lot of noise. It's probably a bit annoying to people out walking their dogs on the MUPs around here
@ai6yr For wheel stuff, a real truing stand is extremely helpful.
But you can do a lot with an upside down fork, in good condition. Attaching it to a workbench is best. An upside down bike can work in a pinch! Firmly attach some pencils to the blades at the appropriate point to diagnose rim wobble/hop.
This is not a long term solution, but it cuts down the startup costs to learning!
@rasterweb @nickzoic @ascentale @daihard @bikenite
Oh that's neat. And looking at it I can see how to do the same thing with a bit of PVC pipe. Or conduit. Or box steel?
A3. My wife who is my primary riding partner finds my pedal and pause when tired annoying since they are following.
I also realize some people get annoyed when I call out I'm behind them. But I'm not going to stop alerting people.
@ai6yr @ascentale @nick @bikenite
I also try to do that when possible because it can be fun, and when the other person isn't too self serious they cheer you on too.
@ascentale @bikenite A1. Eastern PA. I'm so late!
Bicycle smiles this week in no particular order:
-Got to go for my first real ride on the bike, and not the stationary, this year.
-Got to get the replacement bile for kid, needed some love, and then realized I had the perfect donor bike at home to pull parts from. That was a huge smile. The shifters need love but it simulates a single speed rather nicely in the meantime.
@ai6yr @dgodon @ascentale @pete @bikenite
Which leads me to my note for this #BikeNite A8 thread: last week my Alfine-8 shifter started to slip when I set it to 4th gear. I adjusted tension via its thumb ring to better align the markers, but it didn't fully resolve the problem -- now it slips less frequently in 3rd gear. I stopped by my LBS on Friday, and after taking a crack at it, the tech's opinion was that it would best to put in a new shifter cable and housing. Which aren't expensive, but I haven't had time to tackle it yet... I'm not sure if I'll pay them to do it or DIY it.
@ascentale @bikenite Belated #BikeNite A1 reply, from lovely Cambridge, MA. What made me smile was also a smile -- from a wide-eyed toddler in the bucket of a cargo bike, as we crossed paths on my way home from work yesterday.
@ascentale @bikenite A1: I got back on a bike! It has been almost 5 months since I broke my collarbone, and I am finally riding again! About a mile yesterday with a friend who's an instructor, and 15 miles today #BikeNite
Oh and uh, I'm home in Somerville, MA
@ascentale @pete @bikenite A8. broke a rail on my Brooks saddle, hoping to get it replaced under warranty #bikenite https://sfba.social/@jakedonham/114168804327948510
@ascentale @pete @bikenite #BikeNite A8: The stop with blocking rear wheel at a pedestrian crossing I mentioned in my A1 caused my rear tire to wear down much more quickly than expected and definitely beyond repair, rubbing off the tread at one position so much that the puncture protection layer became visible. Still was able to cycle home with it (I could feel and hear the flat part of the tread) and to the LBS the next day.
@ascentale @Pepijn @sam @bikenite #BikeNite A7: As already mentioned in the original thread, I'm quite happy with Topeak's Morph series. I have one over 20 years old which still works, but doesn't stay closed anymore due to some cracks in outer plastic parts. It's my spare pump now. My current pump for on the road is https://www.topeak.com/global/en/product/244-TURBO-MORPH-G which goes up to 11 bars. It's not really a very compact pump, but not big either. From my point of view a good compromise.
@ascentale @szpon @bikenite #BikeNite A4: I don't care about weight so much, but I found that Brompton's lightweight P-Line saddle is much more comfortable (to me) than their standard (C-Line) saddle.