#Meta Updating #Facebook Live Video Storage Policy
#Meta Updating #Facebook Live Video Storage Policy
Quanto pensate ci si possa fidare delle tecnologie Made in #USA quando i loro padroni sono degli #oligarchi della corte del presidente #trump ?
#google #facebook #TwitteRx per chi tiferanno, amplificando o riducendo la visibilità delle informazioni, senza neanche scomodarsi di mentire?
Quali saranno gli effetti sulle #democrazie quando buona parte della comunicazione è in mano a 4-5 signori ben determinati a supportare l'estrema destra?
Zudem gefällt mir die Idee referer zu blocken also primär Links aus facebook, X und anderen Hetzplattformen. Für wordpress gibt es plugins, oder? Das müsste aber auch mit htaccess rules gehen, muss ich später mal checken.
KI-Update kompakt: Thinking Machines Lab, Meta, Open AI, AI Vision
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.
Facebook直播影片改為30日後自動刪除 記協籲傳媒盡快備份
不少傳統新聞機構及網媒不時透過Facebook直播新聞片段,社交平台Facebook母公司Meta周二(18日 […]
The post Facebook直播影片改為30日後自動刪除 記協籲傳媒盡快備份 appeared first on 棱角媒體.
#最新 #香港 #facebook #新聞直播
Images of Indian celebrities ‘visiting Saif Ali Khan in hospital’ are AI-generated https://www.inbella.com/914267/images-of-indian-celebrities-visiting-saif-ali-khan-in-hospital-are-ai-generated-2/ #AmitabhBachchan #BollywoodActorsAndActresses #CelebritiesNews #Facebook #PublicRelationsTeam #ReverseImageSearch #SaifAliKhan #SalmanKhan #ShahRukhKhan
Mensenrechtenorgaan: advertentie-algoritme Facebook discrimineert
14:04 | NOS Nieuws
#Discriminatie #Vacature #Facebook
The Verge: Facebook is about to mass delete a lot of old live streams. “Facebook will start deleting users’ live broadcast recordings after 30 days starting on February 19th. Users who go live after that date must download the videos to save them from getting deleted before their 30-day expiration period ends. Alternatively, you could share the recordings to your profile as Reels, although […]
As a direct consequence, the majority of #GlobalSouth users who drift into the #Fediverse get disillusioned, and return/move on to #Facebook or #Twitter or #Threads.
The #GlobalNorth users on the Fediverse never even become aware of this loss; though many of them perceive the monotony of voices/topics, and silently move out; leaving behind a tiny, malnourished social medium.
Lo mejor de la mañana, un buen Tarro de Guarapo ️ y dar gracias a Dios por un nuevo día , por una nueva oportunidad de hacer las cosas bien...
Aquí vamos...
The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights rules that Facebook's advertising algorithm discriminates on the basis of gender.
Read more below and use Firefox local translate if your Dutch is a bit rusty
PS: The Netherlands Institute for Human Rights is also represented on the Fediverse, follow them:
#MeretSchneider über X-Shitstorm: «Köppel hat mich den Followern auf dem Silbertablett serviert» https://www.watson.ch/!220759406
Ich bewundere die Stärke von Meret, ganz ehrlich. Es braucht Mut, um bei zahlreichen Mord- und Vergewaltigungsfantasien im Sturm zu bleiben und den Spiess umzudrehen!
KEIN*E POLITIKER*IN sollte solche Hassnachrichten ertragen müssen.
Hass ist immer noch keine Meinung!
Images of Indian celebrities ‘visiting Saif Ali Khan in hospital’ are AI-generated https://www.inbella.com/914137/images-of-indian-celebrities-visiting-saif-ali-khan-in-hospital-are-ai-generated/ #AmitabhBachchan #BollywoodActorsAndActresses #CelebritiesNews #Facebook #PublicRelationsTeam #ReverseImageSearch #SaifAliKhan #SalmanKhan #ShahRukhKhan
So you finally decide to get completely rid of your #facebook account and you get the nondescript "something went wrong" errors.... turns out that if you created Facebook Apps you first need to manually delete those. Ironic b/c those apps were the reason I kept my account in dormant state for the last 7 years or so.
Now my account is in limbo for 30 days before I'm finally set free again!
Salut les mastonautes.
Dites, qu'est-ce que vous conseillez comme alternative à la «page facebook» aux associations et petits commerces qui souhaitent être présent sur le web ?
Bien sûr il y a la solution de la page web, mais c'est un repoussoir pour beaucoup de monde (C'est «technique» faut payer un nom de domaine, on n'a pas de statistique alléchante de visites/likes, ...)
"Nach einer Klage von Grünen-Politikerin Renate #Künast befasst sich der #Bundesgerichtshof mit einer Grundsatzfrage: Wie weit gehen Löschpflichten von Plattformen wie #Facebook?":
#Meta’s new update will erase #Facebook Live videos older than 30 days. Here’s how you can save yours before it’s too late.