Anyone here got a CASIO CP400 or CP400+E (ClassPad II)? Or CG500 too, since that’s just the same calculator on a different enclosure.
It’d be really helpful if y’all could submit your calculators Serial Numbers to!
As well as do the Diagnostic1 key combo to figure out your ABS_Date (maybe add at ‘comments’?)
Specially if it was bought late 2022 or later (but older models, submit too!): Apparently there’s a new revision for the ClassPad (possibly for the cg500 too? haven’t seen that) that breaks compatibility with OSes older than 2.01.7, and hollyhock runs on 2.01.2. We’re trying to figure out what changes and how the SN works at Hollyhock-2 discord.
We know that affected calculators have an ABS_Date of 2022, while afaik all previous ones had an ABS_Date of 2012.
I have a CG500 bought in mid-2022, but it (thankfully) has the 2012 ABS_Date.
Les glycines fleurissent à nouveau, juste à temps pour aller avec les roses trémières
A #Hollyhock grown from #seed, which I planted last year, is flowering for the first time.
Pink with a yellow centre. I find the #BlackAndWhite #photograph aesthetically more satisfying.
Upright. Click to see all.
I was wrong about the poised part, as it is almost four weeks later that the first #hollyhock blooms arrive.
White/yellow #Hollyhock
Pink #MuskMallow
Red/purple #fuschias
Peach yellow #Daylilies
De zaadjes voor deze prachtige #stokrozen kreeg ik een paar jaar geleden via de post van een lieve kennis. Sindsdien bloeien ze jaar op jaar en zaaien ze zich overal uit. Op plekken waar het echt niet kan, zoals tussen de waaltjes, haal ik ze weg maar verder: lekker laten gaan. Helaas is de zwartbloeiende na één zomer verdwenen. Welke kleur opkomt is elk jaar een verrassing.
#gardening #hollyhock (dat moest ik even opzoeken )
Selbstgezogene helle Stockrosen blühen im Friedhofsbeet / self-made light-coloured hollyhocks are in bloom
Stadtblumen im Pflanztrog und anderswo
1: selbst gezogene Stockrose im Pflanztrog
2: Ysop im Pflanztrog
3: andere Stockrose
4: Mauretanische Malve