@DamonHD I'm not convinced about the solar diverter - I don't use mine.
The theory goes like this: if you export the electricity and use gas to heat the water then you make more money. Or at least you do if you live somewhere with as wide a divergence between electricity and gas prices as the UK. (Which is bad in itself, but that's another story.)
But that's not the whole story. Because you might care about being green. Hey, if you've bought a solar PV system with a diverter you probably do! In which case the sums look like this to me:
If you *don't* export your 4kWh of electricity, then most of the time, in most parts of the world, at the margin, the grid is going to be burning carbon. And it'll burn at least 6.5kWh worth of carbon to make up for the electricity you didn't export. Whereas you'd only have burned 4.5kWh of gas to heat your water. So you burn less carbon by using gas to heat your water and exporting your spare electricity.
Yeah, OK, so if you're using something like #HomeAssistant you can have your system know when grid is burning zero carbon and turn your diverter on ... if you've got a diverter that can be remotely controlled like this (mine can't be).
The 2025.4.0 Beta for Home Assistant is out now!
Want to test early, catch bugs, or just see what’s new? Join the beta testers this weekend!
It’s easy to get started:
Also, come hang out in our #beta channel on Discord—great place, lovely peeps
One of my #temperature #sensors, a #SNZB-02P, started disconnecting randomly. I was getting that 'checkin only every 6 or so hours' problem. Removed it and re-added it to #homeassistant about 20 times. Just did it again today and now it's functioning perfectly again. Gotta love it!!!
I am the captain now. That's a lie. The cat is the supreme leader. I'm the lucky one that doesn't have to clean the shit box. At least until there is a #homeassistant integration for that. #smarthome
An dem #HomeAssistant-Dashboard für meine #PV-Anlage gab es noch das eine oder andere zu optimieren.
Mittels #Modbus/TCP im separaten kabelgebundenen VLAN auch #Cloudfrei. Ja, es mag bessere Protokolle für sowas geben, aber ich halte das Risiko hier für überschaubar,
Habe vorsichtshalber noch einen externen Temperatursensor am Batteriespeicher angebracht, und ich werde beim Überschreiten von Temperaturgrenzen informiert.
#servicetoot Am 31. März ist #worldbackupday #world #backup #day #weltdatensicherungstag
Und läuft deutlich entspannter wenn man bereits jetzt mit den Vorbereitungen beginnt
Meine Checkliste muss ich dringend erweitern.
Das Wichtigste.
#homeassistant Image in den #cloudspeicher
#cloudspeicher #pcloud auf lokale #ssd für den #schrank #offline #airgapped
#Smartphone meiner Mutter von #iCloud auf #pcloud umstellen. Kontingent 100GB 9,99€ für mich. #spass
Ich hoffe die Erinnerung hilft euch.
TIL the builtin sounds that work on all platforms in #HomeAssistant include a bunch of Morgan Freeman samples yet not normal sounds like doorbell etc (these are imported in the iOS version from the system sounds but no info about Android ??)
It looks like spring is starting to make itself felt. Hopefully the lines will cross next week at which point #solar generation will pay for houses electricity use. I think the next step is finding a decent #homeassistant integrable bi-directional car charger so I can buffer between sundown and cheap rate and save myself about 8kwh a day at the full rate. We are already getting free hot water unless everyone wants to have baths on the same day.
#FragFedi #PV #Anlage 4895W Peak hatte gestern lt #homeassistant zwei drei Mal bis zu 5500W geliefert. Mit den +3% #Tolleranz der #Module lässt sich das nicht erklären. Einfach #Messfehler ?
I'm automating stuff at the family farm using #homeassistant ; lights, smoke alarms, stove fire preventers, heaters.
It's inspiring to see so many iot devices support #ZigBee but also infuriating that 50% of the ones I've encountered has something fucky with their zigbee implementation. It's also somewhat concerning that the mains-connected zb router devices I've found will drop off immediately when the power goes out. The thought of not getting alerts about a fire in the barn if the power's out, concerns me.
I've got my eye on #matter , but I can't find compatible smoke alarms in Norway (so I can be confident they comply with local regulations, and return them if they're bad), and only limited reviews of ones available from abroad.
I see there's https://www.matteralpha.com/category/smoke-co-alarm and https://community.home-assistant.io/t/smoke-detector-with-matter-over-thread-support/810731 but idk.
Can anyone recommend a mains-powered zigbee router device with a built-in battery, that'll keep it routing for at least 1 hour if it loses power?
Alternatively, a small (max 20*10*10cm) #ups that'll power a zb router or other tiny device for 1 hour? #NUT #networkUpsTools compatibility is a big plus
@davidaugust necesito está automatización en mi #homeassistant
Wir bauen mal so langsam die Amazon Echos ab und ersetzen diese durch Home Assistant Voice. Ich bin gespannt, wie schwierig der Umstieg sein wird.
"AdGuard Home" auf dem #HomeAssistant installiert. Zack... lästige Werbung und Tracker auf allen Geräten im Haus mit einem Schlag eliminiert.
That’s the ESP32 and the button blinking the garden lights as a test via #HomeAssistant. A bit of a waste of a 240 MHz processor for a button and a buzzer but the cpu is needed to connect to WiFi and run its own little web server (it’s a 4$ board).
So my much-hated Ring 2 doorbell just plain died and I thank it for it as it forces me to finally change it.
In emergency I built a small button + buzzer simple doorbell with an ESP32 running #ESPHome. At least this will now * reliably* rings into my #HomeAssistant setup (makes the whole house blink ). Will install today.
Experimenting with charging the house batteries to 80% instead of 100% overnight now that solar is doing better during the day. It means we need less from the batteries during the day and can top them up more reliably too, and although we charge on cheap rate, free is cheaper than that :)
Seems to be going ok so far today!
Just ordered a PCR532. Let's find out whether it works with #homeassistant .
Snagged a cheap tablet to chuck on the wall for my #HomeAssistant dashboard
So sieht für unsere Wohnung der Netzbezug in den letzten 90 Minuten aus. Grundlast um die 100 W. 6:50 Kaffeeautomat an, 7:01 erster Kaffee, 7:09 zweiter Kaffee. Gemessen mit #Tibber Pulse, erfasst und visualisiert mit #HomeAssistant und der Tibber-Integration.