Wow. #LNP thug Peter #Dutton really lays into his own Liberal National party for years of #corruption and #rorts!
#JobKeeper: $89 billion
#HelloWorld: $1 billion
Canavan - Mining: $1 billion
Dutton - #Paladin: #423 million
Wow. #LNP thug Peter #Dutton really lays into his own Liberal National party for years of #corruption and #rorts!
#JobKeeper: $89 billion
#HelloWorld: $1 billion
Canavan - Mining: $1 billion
Dutton - #Paladin: #423 million
Tax office resurrects billions worth of old debts... (what about #jobkeeper ? Remember millions given to #harveynorman ?) #auspol
@dragonsidedd Woops. I need to make what I said public.
As I said, I haven't been able to research monero much, but bitcoin i have very slowly gotten interested in over the years. I think seeing how they printed money over the years and more money for the wealthy, with a little scam they called #JobKeeper in Australia --- I think that is what clinched it for me.
I've heard that monero is more private but if there is a bug that enables someone to hide more money than they have, it may never be found and fixed. One such bug WAS fixed but it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I like that monero is trying different things though, but I think i'll stick with bitcoin.
Accessing super has allowed migrant workers locked out of #JobKeeper to scrape by. But many workers like Andres have discovered this entitlement hasn't been paid by dodgy bosses. We need a wage subsidy for all workers so nobody falls through the cracks.
This item was found via the website Not the Only One where there are over 9200 other Diversity, Equity and Inclusion articles, stories and quotes.
Barnaby Joyce wants #Qantas to pay back its #JobKeeper millions.
The Guardian, 2019: "Barnaby Joyce spent $675,000 in expenses but less than three weeks on ground while drought envoy". #auspol
Alright. …..I will say the #budget is not as bad as I thought because they raised #jobkeeper, or as I like to call it #thedole, across the board.
Next time around I will expect the rest of the things ie get rid of #negativegearing.
We were banned from Fakebook for talking about three things in 2020, one being the #hyperInflationary effects of the govt policy in #Australia (of giving blank cheques to the most wealthy and the minimum to everyone else).
@kentparkstreet I wonder how they lasted this long - #JobKeeper?
@Godfrey642 The money was spent on #Jobkeeper for billionaires. The likes of Jerry Harvey Norman and Alan Joyce etc.
There is much furore in #Australia about ex-PM #ScottMorrison subverting democratic processes during #covid.
You could have gaslit us!
Australia, and #theWest generally, has **not** been a democracy for a while, but an autocracy. Funny how anyone who says this is classified a "conspiracy theorist".
> So many lives have been wrecked by the #pandemic and the #bailouts (at least where I am, in #Sweden) … and geared towards preserving the existing social hierarchy, with more money offered to those who were already making money.
May we say, "#Australia, same", with class-based payouts they called "#JobKeeper".
Thanks for sharing, humanity does need a #UBI now.
Its not difficult to spot policies that produce #inequality.
Last year, we called out #JobKeeper at its inception in #Australia, highlighting it was a #scam entrenching the #classDivide by giving bigger #welfarePayments to those who were well-paid prePandemic.
We called out the policies, others too, but our voices were drowned out by #corporateState.
Finally now #Australian #legacyMedia report that, of the businesses that got extreme welfare, 53% didn't need it.
Its not difficult to spot the policies that produce inequality.
We called out #JobKeeper at its inception at the start of the 2020 economic downturn. We were highlighting that they are entrenching the divide by giving more support to those who were well paid prePandemic.
We called out the policies and others were too but the aforementioned #corporateState drowns us out.
Before the #Metaverse name is widely known, we need #oneBigPush for #Fediverse recognition. It'll be too late soon.
Someone once said, "The fact that there exists a makes me want to sh!t in the mouth of #policymakers, #bureaucrats and their #cronies in #government".
That person is perhaps the most #intelligent person we know.
See #JobKeeper (#scamWatch)
It's good to see that some in #Australia have been able to identify #JobKeeper as a #scam. Designed to enrich the #powerElite, and the #extremelyWealthy, while regular honest #Australians, #casualWorkers, #unemployed and the #lessFortunate are left behind.
Good to see people hashtagging #NoWorkersLeftBehind and #WageSubsidyForAll but what did you make of those hashtags?
Did you actually #organise?
This is why we need #alternativeMedia and more using Tor and I2P.