Our #FridayThrillerClub leading men this week are Kurt Russell, James Spader, Jaye Davidson and John Diehl
#Stargate #KurtRussell #JamesSpader #JayeDavidson #JohnDiehl #scifi #90smovies
Our #FridayThrillerClub leading men this week are Kurt Russell, James Spader, Jaye Davidson and John Diehl
#Stargate #KurtRussell #JamesSpader #JayeDavidson #JohnDiehl #scifi #90smovies
Kurt Russell reveals his favourite American actor https://www.inbella.com/948266/kurt-russell-reveals-his-favourite-american-actor/ #actors #CelebritiesTopics #KurtRussell
Kate Hudson Suffers Wardrobe Malfunction at ‘Running Point’ Screening https://www.inbella.com/947242/kate-hudson-suffers-wardrobe-malfunction-at-running-point-screening/ #CelebritiesNews #DannyFujikawa #GoldieHawn #JustinTheroux #KateHudson #KurtRussell #KylieKelce #MediaAppearances
‘The Rivals of Amziah King’ Review: Matthew McConaughey Charms https://www.inbella.com/946923/the-rivals-of-amziah-king-review-matthew-mcconaughey-charms/ #“SouthBySouthwest” #EntertainmentNews #KurtRussell #MatthewMcConaughey #sxsw #Sxsw2025 #SXSWReviews
‘The Rivals of Amziah King’ Review: Matthew McConaughey Charms as a Beekeeper in Ambitious but Scattershot Crime Thriller
#MovieReviews #Movies #KurtRussell #MatthewMcConaughey #SouthbySouthwest #SXSW #SXSW2025 #SXSWReviews
‘The Rivals of Amziah King’ Review: Matthew McConaughey Shines in a Bluegrass Western Thriller That Could Make Angelina LookingGlass a Star
#Variety #Reviews #KurtRussell #MatthewMcconaughey #SXSW #TheRivalsofAmziahKing
‘The Rivals Of Amziah King’ Review: Matthew McConaughey And Kurt Russell In Bee Movie Crime Thriller – SXSW
#Festivals #Reviews #AndrewPatterson #AngelinaLookingGlass #KurtRussell #MatthewMcConaughey #SXSW #TheRivalsofAmziahKing
I love this movie, #BoneTomahawk. Hits all the beats of a good western, as well those that make a good horror story. #KurtRussell #MatthewFox #RichardJenkinsa
Kate Hudson’s Easy 4-Ingredient Dish Is Kurt Russell’s Favorite Meal https://www.inbella.com/937591/kate-hudsons-easy-4-ingredient-dish-is-kurt-russells-favorite-meal/ #CelebritiesNews #DrewBarrymore #GroundBeefTacos #KateHudson #KurtRussell #OliverHudson
Look: Celebrity couples attend the Oscars https://www.inbella.com/933234/look-celebrity-couples-attend-the-oscars/ #AdrienBrody #CelebritiesNews #ConanO'Brien #Entertainment #GalGadot #GoldieHawn #HalleBerry #JeffGoldblum #KieranCulkin #KurtRussell #RobertDowney #SusanDowney #ZoeSaldana
This week, the guys at Film Seizure spring into action and fight the raging fires Chicago and discuss Ron Howard's 1991 film Backdraft.
Check out the review at https://wp.me/p9Tw3k-1GA
Smurfs – Watch the trailer for the new animated film here https://bit.ly/3Q8UMl6
Si vieras una película protagonizada por Kurt Russell que tuviera una banda sonora compuesta por Ennio Morricone ¿Cómo se titularía?
The #1 movie on Monday, January 23rd 1984 was Silkwood with #KurtRussell...
What's your fave film with him?
Could it be… Escape from New York (1981)?
Kurt Russell
Are you a fan?
Post some of his work you like.
90 anni dalla nascita di #ElvisPresley, il cui comeback tour, a questo punto, potrebbe essere disagevole. Per ricordarlo, il primo #film (per la #TV) realizzato 2 anni dopo il volontario esilio da una coppia di artisti che avrebbe dettato legge da lì in poi. Chi sono? #JohnCarpenter come il nome dell'ultimo ruolo cinematografico del nostro e #KurtRussell che gli diede la voce in #ForrestGump. Elvis, il re del #rock - Streaming Sub ITA | Streaming Community https://streamingcommunity.camera/titles/20196-elvis-il-re-del-rock-online/watching.html #music
Assistindo: Guardiões da Galáxia Vol. 2
Título original: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Ano: 2017
Nobody rocks out to some bluesy Christmas like Santa and the others in a Chicago jail on #ChristmasEve #ChristmasChronicles #KurtRussell #Christmas #ChristmasMovie
John Carpenter – „Escape from New York“ (1981)
Tatsache: Auch nach 43 Jahren und ungezählten Wiederholungen, macht mich dieser Sci-Fi-Reißer von John Carpenter noch genau so an, wie zu meinem ersten Mal, mit sechzehn. Gerade weil die Technik sich seither in Quantensprüngen weiterentwickelt hat, steht dieser Film, für mich, noch immer auf Augenhöhe mit allen, die nach ihm kommen sollten.
#ApocalypticMovies #DisasterMovies #FilmMastodon
#Poseidon (2006)
On New Year's Eve, the luxury ocean liner Poseidon capsizes after being swamped by a rogue wave. The survivors are left to fight for their lives as they attempt to escape the sinking ship.
#JoshLucas #KurtRussell #RichardDreyfuss