@afewbugs These are real #myfanwyandfriend vibes!
@afewbugs These are real #myfanwyandfriend vibes!
As complement to the Pride & Prejudice cover shot yesterday, I answer the important (if admittedly unasked) question about what it would look like if all the Bennet sisters were knitted chickens in bonnets.
You are, I assure you, very welcome.
You would watch it.
You know you would.
(Friend & I both decided it was MUCH funnier leaving the original Mr Darcy in place. Friend will return for future projects.)
Anyway *ahem*
It's Friday! Yay!
Have a good weekend if you possibly can, & get ready for some whimsical spinning
Always brightens my day, especially #MyfanwyAndFriend
Had a bit of free time this morning so decided to play around a bit. Then I read the news. Then I played a bit more.
A very quick Myfanwy and Friend Special Edition for #NationalSnuggleAChickenDay
HT to @MaQuest and @art_history_animalia for the inspiration and source, responsibility as ever my own.
I feel like the snuggled chickens have a bit of attitude going on. There is definitely a backstory here.
Myfanwy, Friend & I would like to wish a Happy Hogmanay to all, and a Happy New Year when it comes
A small thread of the weird old Christmas cards that didn't make it into the #MyfanwyAndFriend advent calendar.
Surely this would be an obvious choice given the chicken theme, but no, for two main reasons. First up THEY'RE EATING EGGS FOR BREAKFAST. What kind of monsters are they? And second, I could replace the hen with Myfanwy, but where could Friend be inserted? There is no good solution here.
1 /n
The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Four
Where a silly artist reframes the nativity through the eyes of a knitted chicken and friend.
And with that we're done. Thank you for joining on me on this advent adventure.
(More impressed with myself than I should be that I didn't miss a day)
The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Three
Time to jump and dance and be of good cheer. Oh aye.
As people start drifting offline (comparatively if not totally) I thought I should do a Christmas card design that wasn't a messed up Victorian hellscape to wish a fun festive season to all who celebrate, and a fun non-festive season to all who don't.
I then failed to put a festive message on the design, because it ruined the picture
But still... the thought is there.
Have a good one everyone x
The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty Two
They march for all of us
The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty One
Oops, nearly forgot to post today's advent. I would like to point out that neither Myfanwy nor Friend nor I condone pouring *anything* on unsuspecting musicians in the street, however bad they may be. I was just so bemused by the idea that this was an image for a Jolly Christmas Greeting I couldn't resist.
The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Twenty
The last Friday before Christmas, so time for the dancers and Myfanwy to join forces once more. One of the dancers brought a cow along too, because why not? We believe in an inclusive festive dance time.
As ever have a good weekend, if you possibly can.
The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Nineteen
- I think we decided you needed to say something to the nice people today. What was it?
- *mumbles*
- So everyone can hear you please.
- Sorry.
- And what are you sorry for...?
- For turning Myfanwy and Friend into scary clowns.
- And what are you NEVER going to do again?
- Turn Myfanwy and Friend into scary clowns.
- OK. As you were.
The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Eighteen
Back to frogs. There are a LOT of Victorian cards with frogs. No idea why.
The Myfanwy And Friend Advent Calendar - Day Seventeen
For the benefit of festive niceties we are assuming the robins are drunk, despite some convincing arguments to the contrary.