dispatches from alsoknownasrox and mine's performance at SPECTRA SYNTHESIS
dispatches from alsoknownasrox and mine's performance at SPECTRA SYNTHESIS
cooking up an algorave visuals set in collaboration with alsoknownasrox for her Sonic Pi live code music performance this sunday • Spectra Studio Los Angeles
Whoo listening to @snowdusk on #anonradio, and working on my #hyperland setup! Got it how I like it, and soon going to do some #livecode
Follow me on YouTube for coding livestreams:
Follow me on Twitch for coding livestreams:
Anyone who has ever been involved with #HyperCard, #Revolution or #LiveCode will be familiar with the name Jerry Daniels. Who could forget his skill and enthusiasm, especially for script editors. I regret to report that Jerry died last night after a long fight with cancer. He will be sadly missed.
Okay. I want to make an instrument from handshakes captured by a pwnagotchi using real time logs and through something like pure data where I can quantize and arpegiate the data coming in. #pwnagotchi
Not really sure how to do this.
Stones Whisper Secrets (Tim Cowlishaw & Mercè Jara Muns @ VIU 2024, Barcelona), Excerpt 2
Bash `declare` var of types:
~ Array, Dictionary, Set, Indexed Array,
~ Read-Only, Integer-Only,
~ LowerCase/UpperCase auto conversions
I implemented the event scheduler for the #audio thread, so now I can #livecode #Haskell #TidalCycles and #C #DSP in the same session (all in the same process, no OSC, using Hugs interpreter).
Still for me to do:
- ability to change cycles per second (possibly patternable, if I can figure out the intended semantics)
- make it so that typos or other errors in the Haskell don't exit the whole thing instantly (they said #EmbraceError , but...)
- fix the small bug that you need to save the C code after the thing has loaded to start making sounds
- stress test
- learn Tidal
Screenshot in next toot for Mastodoesn't reasons.
Toronto area folks:
Get ready for an electrifying night of live coded music and art in a 360° immersive environment!
Saturday June 8 at InterAccess
A satellite event for the International Conference on Live Coding
Planet Tkaronto is a night of live code performances in an immersive projection environment. Performers from Toronto, Hamilton, Boston and Montreal will be making music, art, and storytelling, live, with code!
I'm so excited to present this great lineup to the Toronto community, and we'd love to see you there. It's going to be all kinds of creative, spontaneous and inclusive fun.
Looking for live coders! —musicians and visualists— for a night of live code performances in an immersive projection environment.
Endemics Collective is hosting PLANET TKARONTO in Toronto, Canada on June 8, a satellite event for the International Conference on Live Coding 2024.
The call for performers with more info is at:
https://bit.ly/planet-tkaronto .
Live coding is inclusive and accessible to all. We are looking for performers who challenge conventional forms and techniques, disrupting traditional aesthetics and values, and who can engage with the audience directly in the art-or-music-making process, breaking down the barriers between artists and audiences. Performers from underrepresented groups or backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
#music composed, arranged and performed using Živa, a quark to #livecode with #supercollider - developed at Ljudmila a couple years ago which I have completely refactored and am currently using and abusing.
The #animation (if I may call it so) was done with #greasepencil in #blender. An outstanding piece of #foss which I'm exploring and doesn't cease to amaze me.
Ca vous manque les speedruns depuis hier ? Voila un after : vers 21h00 Speedrun #livecode #glsl http://twitch.tv/FieldFxDemo :D . Et y'a alkama
au platine, ouais ouais ouais !!!
Hi, friends! My name is Sarah and I have joined this instance to help @yaxu and @highharmonics with admin and moderation.
I got involved with #livecode as an early member of @livecodenyc, though now I am in Berlin. I perform vis mostly as a member of Codie, but sometimes as an Electronic Detective, part of Cable Knit Sweater, or even as a one-off.
I love bright colors, SoCal vibes, and extremely critical art-computation. In terms of the community here, I am very motivated to support a diverse community, in terms of both identity and approaches to livecode. Anything to undermine hegemony.
I can also be found @sarahghp.post.lurk.org.
Come #livecode with us!! Here's the open call for performers for our celebration of TOPLAP’s 20th anniversary.
We're looking for workshops, performances, installation, archival materials, volunteers and any other contributions. The event will be in-person right here in #brooklyn #nyc
Open Call: https://forms.gle/q1f5pTV4PiQrSt4g8
Deadline: Sunday, January 21, 2024
Event Dates: February 16-17, 2024
As always performers and attendees will be expected to follow the livecode.nyc code of conduct