Ich brauche eure Hilfe.
Ich suche gute Tutorials, wie man kleine Netzwerke mit mehreren VPS hinter einer Firewall bei einem Hoster wie Hetzner oder Netcup realisiert. Irgendwelche Vorschläge oder Erfahrungen?
Persönliche Hilfe, natürlich gegen Bezahlung, ist auch herzlich willkommen.
@olifantenbaer @roman78 @admin wer so Blackbox-Zeugs nutzt hat die Kontrolle über sein Leben verloren.
Es hat den ganzen verschissenen Tag gedauert, aber VLAN-Config per File und ein Uplink auf Port 22 mit allen #VLAN tagged scheine ich hinbekommen zu haben.
Nächster Schritt: Trunk mit zwei NICs, um das Ding direkt an die #pfSense anzuschliessen. Dann kann ich endlich den uralten und chronisch überfüllten 24x #Switch unterbrechungsfrei ausmustern, der immer noch mein Hauptswitch ist. Dessen Ableben ist ein Damoklesschwert über meiner heimischen IT-Landschaft, dessen Auflösung ich schon seit Jahren vor mir her schiebe. Bin ja kein Netzwerker und #JunOS ist jetzt nicht so intuitiv.
Der #Juniper 3400 ist deutlich jünger und hat einen erheblich geringeren #Stromverbrauch, trotz doppelt so vieler Ports. Danach kann die Serverlandschaft weiter wachsen, die #Weltherrschaft ist nahe...
This is super tempting as a #pfSense / #OPNsense box. 12GB RAM, 512GB SSD, dual 2.5G network ports for $149 with coupon. It doesn’t specify if it’s an Intel NIC but one of the reviews says they use it for OPNsense. [Edit: It’s Intel I226-V]
I've always been told that #OpenWRT was somewhat unprofessional, that it was just a bunck of duct-taped tools with a linux kernel in it, that I should rather use #opnsense / #pfsense for more complete use case.
Now that I got enough experience with both (several years of quite advanced use), I can say that I feel way more confortable with OpenWRT.
#DynFiFirewall 4.04 has been released (#DynFi / #OPNsense / #BSD / #HardenedBSD / #FreeBSD / #pfSense / #m0n0wall / #Security / #Firewall) https://dynfi.com/
Hi I'm 90s Script Kiddie, I grew up online. I do #devops and #automation code stuff for my job. My hobbies are #gamedev, #vintageelectronics, #gaming, #repair ing stuff to keep it out of the landfill, old #apple hardware, #linux admin (I run my own mail, web, media etc servers) #network admin especially #pfsense, I love #books, #anime, #manga - reading in general really. #music too! Jazz, alt-rock, pop, folk, chiptunes... I also enjoy #cooking and am trying to get better at it. Beliefs-wise I'm something of an anarchist, yearning for a #solarpunk future I'll probably never live in, but I do what I can to do #mutualaid for the people in my circle. If you're my friend, I will set up all your electronics for you, replace the battery in your phone, give you some free mail or web hosting... whatever! I try to limit my consumption of news media for my own sanity, but I love reading about what people are doing in their own words. That's why I love the Fediverse, and it's why I'm lurking around on #gopher
I don't have a lot of friends. I've always been kind of a loner, and a little awkward. Luckily, I love my own company and have no problem spending time alone. Those few in my circle are people who I think make the world better by being in it.
I'm a #queer #bi #enby and I don't really give a hoot about what pronouns you use for me. Actually, I sort of feel like however you labeled me I'd want to break out of that box somehow. I guess I'm pretty contrary.
New #introduction who dis.
Any #PFSense / #OPNsense wizards out there?
Anyone ever see it where one's WAN interface randomly decides to become a private IP instead of proper public one?
This is like the 3-4th time over 2-3 years and it's really getting on my nerves. Rare enough for me to not dig in and fix, but common enough to where -> this must never happen again.
Maybe fault of AT&T gear? But would love to have pfsense re-check for IP if it ends up with a 192 somehow for WAN interface.
@abulling personally, I use #pfBlockerNG but then again I have a #pfSense up and running already so it's more convenient.
Any #pfsense #pfblockerng users blocked from accessing the Talos_BL list? On default settings I'm blocked.
I think I might actually migrate my #firewall to #vyos. Just the fact that I can easily deploy #podman #container onto my firewall this is also possible with #OpenWrt but sadly it's a bit hacky as their partitioning is ephemeral in it's nature.
I'm still struggling a bit with managing core functionalities like firewalling but I will manage. Why isn't there already a GUI? Isn't their API supposed to be ready to use idk?
Solutions like #pfSense or #OPNsense are just a bit too inflexible for me.
#Homebrew (brew.sh) instead of Apple Store on Mac
Lots of virtual machines (for every service I usually have a separate one)
Mail/Calendar: #ProtonMail and #tuta
Contacts: #gos local app. iPad: None.
#Nextcloud for data exchange between different systems (contacts, files)
#pfsense as firewall
#iCloud on all Apple devices disabled
#macOS: No Apple Store Account
All WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS always by default disabled
#Faraday Bag for Phone and Notebook when I travel
#LLMs only locally
I have a really annoying issue with my #pfsense #firewall that if it looses power, all network activity fails upon reboot until you clear down the states.
Wouldn’t be to much of a pain, but the only way I can connect to the FW is to use network cable, as my wireless vlan doesn’t work either.
Today, I need to cut power across the house
What are the chances of me getting my change approved by the family in the middle of half term?
Firewalls robustas