If anyone is interested in my latest rant, it's #SEO... and #crawlers doing whatever they want. More here -https://dev.to/missamarakay/bing-webmaster-tools-de-indexed-my-docs-site-and-increased-my-cognitive-load-32ki
How are other people dealing with this? Particularly with #docs?
@AmaraGraham Did you ever figure out what happened with Bing? In the past they were pretty good with dealing with support tickets, so it might be worth dropping them another.
@johnmu They never responded to me. And I don't even have a guess to what my team did (or didn't do) to "fix" this. What would I put in the support ticket? Ask if they have info for why my site wasn't indexable from a certain timeframe? I'm almost too afraid to engage again in case they stop indexing it again
@AmaraGraham my guess is it's just an embarrassing misunderstanding on their side, i wouldn't worry about it causing more trouble.
@AmaraGraham really interesting thanks for sharing!