Young people: the bad news is that in time, your fashion sense, slang, etc will become cringe. The good news is that you won't care.
The most cringe thing you can do in your thirties and beyond is care whether young people think you're cool.*
*In a youth culture way, not in a being a good person way.
Note: I know that 30's isn't old. But like, it's old to 15 year olds.
@BathysphereHat yeah, when I was 15, for some reason I thought I’d live to 27 maximum, and even that seemed soo old to me. Now in my forties I’m looking at my 28 years old coworker and thinking what a child he is. Like, not in offensive or exaggerated way, I really feel like I’m an auntie.
@BathysphereHat i have a goal to keep up with the young person slang as best i can, but not really use it unless i pick it up naturally. i like my generation’s slang a lot, but i really don’t wanna lose touch and not be able to understand the kids lol