PSA: The latest update of Ice Cubes removes the built-in PRO key for DeepL. This was very costly to maintain (around $250 per month). If your instance doesn’t provide a translation service, I invite you to switch to the built-in Apple translation service that the app now supports (only on iOS 17.4+) or to create a free DeepL API key.
@IceCubesApp speaking of that, in my version (1.10.39) this setting is a technical code rather than text/label (used in English/UK)
@charlesic @nick29p Fixing for next version
@IceCubesApp Are there any plans to unify the UI? Currently Apple-provided translations open in a tiny popup, which may be unusable if it opens in the wrong place. DeepL translations open in the content area, and reserve more space if needed.