Chilling with Faye, watching tv-series... Well one of us at least, haha! We wish you a wonderful evening and night.
@Romston our Monday will end in 50 minutes. Hope u have a great day
Oh! I see! Where are you from? I wish you an excellent night and a great Tuesday!
@Romston Indonesia. Thank you.
I have to sleep soon but it seems that I’m gonna stay awake for more minutes. Where are u from?
Oh, I see! It's a pleasure to meet you! I am from Canada, Québec. With the snow and the cold, haha.
@Romston is it snowy at the moment? We only have 2 seasons here; either dry or rainy.
Yes! There was a little snowstorm 2 days ago and all is white everywhere.
@Romston I bet it’s beautiful
I think it is beautiful. Thank you kindly! Winter is my favourite season, plus there are no mosquitos, hehe!
@Romston ahh.. winter for Christmas. Sounds perfect