A starfish is a “disembodied head walking about the sea floor on its lips,” according to recent research.
I did not plan to have nightmares about starfish this weekend but here we are.
@MitchW we should all have nightmares about sea creatures, all the time, if not we're wasting valuable nightmare time on less horrifying/immediately-real-and-threatening things like going to class without pants
@The_Turtle_Moves Also, insects, particularly magnified with high-powered cameras. And not spiders either—those are kinda cute.
@MitchW I was looking at spider face pictures when I was working on my Jack-o'-lantern, and they're ALL weirdly cute!
@The_Turtle_Moves ikr i have to resist temptation to share them when I see them because i know they trigger people.
@MitchW @The_Turtle_Moves They're not called jumping spiders because they make people jump.
@coyoty @The_Turtle_Moves Is it because they love the Van Halen song?