Calosoma scrutator, the fiery searcher, is among North America's most attractive native insects. Illinois.
@alexwild Even nicer than our Calosoma sycophanta!
@alexwild Why do some beetles have such gorgeous coloration? Is it part how they attract mates?
It's beautiful!
@alexwild I wonder does it have an absolutely awfully pungent chemical defense odour? Our. C. schayeri and C. oceanicum stink like rancid onions and the smell takes ages to wear off.
@alexwild As a youngster, the neighbor's kid and I would build ornate lego deathmazes, put one of these in one end, and sprinkle some of the ubiquitous tentworms that were everywhere around in them. These beetles have some serious predator instincts! I never knew what they were called...we always called them 'catepillar killers.'