Spent some time today working on #CardStock, our experimental new approach to thinking about and designing #CSS.
The old Python compiler prototype has been rebuilt in #TypeScript, intended for use on the command line, Node.js apps, and in the browser. Why not.
I realized this week what CSS schemas truly have to offer, and I think there are some exciting opportunities for this. For example...
Imagine taking a CSS schema for a common UI library, without any styling, and dropping it into something like Figma. From there, you could design the appearance, toggling the various states to make sure it works right, and output CSS.
Imagine inserting a <link rel="cardstock-schema" ...> in your page, opening up your browser's DevTools, and being able to navigate, validate, and tweak components on your page, regardless of JavaScript framework.
Imagine pulling in a CSS toolkit that ships CSS schemas and being able to generate React, Vue, WebComponent, or plain JavaScript/DOM bindings for all the components.
Imagine being able to auto-generate docs and automated browser tests for every CSS component on your page.
I really think there's a lot that CardStock could have to offer, and I'm excited to explore this further.