"America...relied on...law to keep...Presidents in line. Starting today...Americans must rely on...courts to determine when (if at all)...criminal laws that their representatives have enacted to promote individual & collective security will operate as speedbumps to Presidential action or reaction. Once self-regulating...Rule of Law now becomes...rule of judges, w/courts pronouncing which crimes committed by a President have to be let go & which can be redressed as impermissible."-Justice Jackson
@davidaugust This #scotus decision — enabling the man who swears to faithfully execute the law to break the law with the permission of judges who accept gratuities — is so contrary to our Founders’ purpose that individual judges should reject it and state they will continue to hold Presidents accountable for their crimes.
@JBShakerman it would seem the just thing for them to do.
@JBShakerman @davidaugust AND to not allow him to run for office! WHO gives a FELON the right to run for this office?
It's a judicial coup!
SCOTUS will now decide which outer perimeter official acts are immune (those of a Republican president) and which are not (those of a Democrat).
They have made the rule of law their plaything.
@joeinwynnewood Sadly, en-ragingly, they have. Well summed up.