Compromised, as in he might intentionally do something in the US’s interest?
@DemocracyMattersALot lol. Well done.
It is because they know… truth but not as we know it…
They should know.
@projektionsyta they know what they own and operate.
Compromat material must be really awful -
Sleeze? No - Trump has no shame
@aquarius1842 @davidaugust This is now.
>> … trump is compromised.
#Russia is trying to collect while it still can, and could still sink #Trump, at least until inauguration.
Trump’s behavior at the #Helsinki summit reflects lashing from Putin after Rod #Rosenstein slyly alerted Putin that #Mueller knew certain things that Trump wouldn’t fully understand.
Putin has receipts.
Mueller hinted he knew what some of them are.
@rameshgupta @aquarius1842 @emptywheel so if, and this is a massive if, russia did manipulate the election, and if trump doesn’t do what they want, could they reveal that manipulation before he is certified as punishment?
@davidaugust @rameshgupta @emptywheel
As a transaction, what would be in it for Russia?
Russia plays the Long Game. Revealing the game now would be unproductive.
Except possibly just to create utmost CHAOS, that might be a short game win -Jan 6 re-run.
Unlike Trump Russia does not operate for Retaliation/ Revenge
They can use it for further blackmail - say GOP/NRA - for at least 2 years
It's the Special Counsel's move .
@aquarius1842 @rameshgupta @emptywheel yes, but isn’t their global endgame to discredit democracy writ large and degrade the United States and her allies ability to resist putin’s will.
If trump were to refuse to do their bidding as they see fit, might they sacrifice him as a no-longer-useful-puppet in order to create a full blown Constitutional crisis and break the US government by convincing the American people on all sides he is illegitimate?
@davidaugust @rameshgupta @emptywheel
Yep - Chaos
But Trumpians are prepared to suppress any 'Active Measures', they know the game
@aquarius1842 @rameshgupta @emptywheel what does that mean?
@davidaugust @aquarius1842 @emptywheel
I don't think anything can dislodge #Trump now. Putin can make things difficult for us by fomenting trouble, but Trump is untouchable IMO.
@rameshgupta @aquarius1842 @emptywheel interesting. So is that why one of putin’s aides threatened trump with assassination? Perhaps they feel they cannot touch him, as you say, in any other way.
@davidaugust @rameshgupta @emptywheel
It's the standard mob talk of 'We know where you live , nice little place you got, would be a shame if something happened to it"
@davidaugust tbf everyone thinks that
@davidaugust why be so public about it though?
@creckling to bring public pressure to bear and/or threaten the public revelation of anything bad on him they have. At least it would explain why they did this in public, to show they have the venue.
This is beautiful. Putin will embarrass trump on every occasion. It's been only a week and russia already made him look like their lap dog.
@davidaugust This can’t be real, can it?
@davidaugust It’s just so shocking!
@Doreen32128 yes. russia believes and acts as if it is in a war with the United States and her allies. Sadly, this is part of what that means.