So using a non-google maps app is possible & probably a good idea. Giving your location to google is not safe going forward.
Been using & experimenting with some & I think you might want to find some too.
@davidaugust #OpenStreetMap is a great alternative. There a number of apps that will use that data fully offline for navigating. It is community supported
@RichardNairn nice. Great idea. A number of the ones at the link I shared also allow offline use. Not sure, off the top of my head if they use that dataset.
Like OsmAnd Maps is on that list and I think Osm in its name stands for open street maps.
Correct. Osm is for OpenStreetMap, And for Android, although the app is also available for iOS.
In fact, most of the apps in the list are #BuiltOnOpenStreetMap, as is mentioned for a few of them.
@Limaginaire @RichardNairn nice. That makes sense. Thank you. Now I understand them and their basis that much better.
I use actual maps... on paper or laminate. Very reliable.
@Rural_Canadian nice. The one downside of that is streets change. I used a Thomas Guide many years ago, but spiral bound map book and it was super useful, thought the last few years it did occasionally not reflect streets are they were.
Also, not as user friendly or safe while driving.
But paper maps are great, and super durable. Never lose charge too.
@melioristicmarie I loved Waze, and it was bought entirely by Google in 2013 for $1.3 billion. Likely the will keep its data and Google Maps’ data congruent.
Also, used to be hilarious how Waze would suggest making all but impossible left turns.
Once, it told me to turn into a sheer cliff face of rock.
@davidaugust @european_alternatives On your mobile, Organic Maps (which uses OpenStreetMap) is a good Maps substitute
@jlpiraux @european_alternatives cool. I have been trying it out a bit and seem good. Not sure yet if it has a sense of where certain retailers are when seeking a store or store location I have not been to, but thank you for mentioning it. I'll keep using it now.
@davidaugust @european_alternatives yes that's a bit of a weak point for OpenStreetMap. On the other hand, OSM has far superior data about pathways (I mean walkable paths) v Maps.
@jlpiraux @european_alternatives that makes sense. I gather it is a good tool, even if its dataset may not be quite fully consumer focused (like finding a specific store).
@davidaugust Thanks for the mention! Great to hear that you are looking into alternatives :)