So using a non-google maps app is possible & probably a good idea. Giving your location to google is not safe going forward.
Been using & experimenting with some & I think you might want to find some too.
@davidaugust @european_alternatives On your mobile, Organic Maps (which uses OpenStreetMap) is a good Maps substitute
@jlpiraux @european_alternatives cool. I have been trying it out a bit and seem good. Not sure yet if it has a sense of where certain retailers are when seeking a store or store location I have not been to, but thank you for mentioning it. I'll keep using it now.
@davidaugust @european_alternatives yes that's a bit of a weak point for OpenStreetMap. On the other hand, OSM has far superior data about pathways (I mean walkable paths) v Maps.
@jlpiraux @european_alternatives that makes sense. I gather it is a good tool, even if its dataset may not be quite fully consumer focused (like finding a specific store).