I know everyone is terrified but this is the far right LOSING political power in Britain. They are desperate & angry. Because they have lost control of everything that matters. They will not be allowed to rise this way. They must not be allowed to hijack Britain by terrorising ordinary communities. We are strong, they are weaker right now, and we need to remember that we have the power.
We need to ensure that message is sent to them when they appear before a judge, so as well as prison, they also get wiped out financially,
So long as we have platforms such as X spreading misinformation and allow hate and bigotry with impunity this will keep raising its ugly head. Free speach is fine, what is going on and naked hatred of different groups cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.
@emmalbriant This IS domestic terrorism; make no mistake about it. I guess when you're on the inside looking out it's not so obvious.
@emmalbriant it is their last hurrah we hope, coming out of the woodwork so they can be ostracized from society.
I'll admit to not know the core of the debate in Britian, but the psychological position of the right in the US appears to be the same. On the descent, the right feels its increasing irrelevance to real social issues, and it just escalates their need for dominance. Dominance thru any tool available to them.
@emmalbriant I don't want to be a party pooper but "losing political power"? <- Reform UK just got 14% of votes in the last election. And it's not going to stop there, unless the UK take effective measures to make it stop (what France failed to do 20 years ago).
@FelisCatus @emmalbriant well said
I’m sure my Muslim family members and friends are delighted the #terrorism being waged on the community is evidence of the death throes of the #farright
@FelisCatus @emmalbriant Reform benefitted from the Tory malaise - previously, those hard right voters were satisfied with the Conservatives. This level of support isn't unprecedented: UKIP got 27.5% of the vote in the 2014 European Parliament election and 12.6% in the 2015 General Election. Even the BNP got 6% in a European election and over half a million votes in a General Election. There's been a consistent hardcore of neo-Nazis since the 1960s, with occasional upsurges in electoral success.
I love the optimism but 14% of voters voted Reform and they got 4 MPs.
Both leading political parties are careful to appeal to the racists, nationalists and social regressives.
Our mainstream media's infiltration is almost complete.
I my own personal experience I haven't experienced over public racism as I have since the 1980s.
Sorry, the far right are winning.
@rzeta0 @emmalbriant
It helps if you look at the aggregated numbers rather than single parties' votes. In every election over the last 50+ years, votes for Left and Centre-Left parties have outnumbered votes for Right-wing parties. Every single one. What's different about the most recent election is the fact the right-wing vote was split between Tories and Reform. But you know what? The aggregate Right-wing vote in 2024 was still down (from c. 47% to c. 39%).
that is positive
could it be that a small number of people are becoming more radicalised and unpleasant
that might explain the growing boldness and overtness of their unpleasant and threatening behaviour - from setting hotels on fire, attacking the RNLI to verbal abuse in the open street ?
Hang in there. Please, hang in there. We are strong. We can beat back these vile forces.
Sending energies of solidarity.
From the US,
Except it seems for the police who are apparently in cahoots with the #FarRight - especially no doubt particularly those police who have been hospitalised by them - and woe betide anyone who dares to suggest otherwise for they will be suspended summarily from instances!
I'm just a bit confused about what's going on. I know the press cannot be trusted to be honest about anything but then neither can the internet.
I've seen videos of far right attacking immigrants. I've seen videos of arabic-speaking people chanting (in Arabic "God is great") and acting like a mob. I don't know the dates or the places when those were filmed or even how much CGI is involved.
All I can tell is somebody is angry.
@emmalbriant not my field of expertise, but it feels like the far right are gaining traction right now. Even the BBC calls them anti-immigrant protesters rather than racists and far right.
@emmalbriant Yes, they get more violent when they are losing. Have you tried calling them weird? It’s caused a full scale melt down in the US.
@emmalbriant Every time the ugly Right in the UK floats up from the toilet bowl of politics they are beaten back down. Whether it’s the BUFs in the 30s, the NF in the 70s or any other of the conflicts in the last century, the anti-fascists always triumph.
Just stay vigilant. Or stay woke, if you really want to piss them off.
They know Trump has lost too, and the far right lost in France.
@emmalbriant Depends whether Starmer slow walks. Rhetoric is cheap. He has his xenophobic Brexit to treasure. Police response was (from more than one source), slowwwww
The riots were the dying throws of the UK Far Right, they have lost their racist Tory Party and have next to no friends in the UK any more.
Starmer has put them all back into the sewers they crawled out of.