One of the best items I’ve read of late—the insights of an entrepreneurial American billionaire, oddly enough.
Apart from looking above and beyond the tired-old, retread phenom of Trump, it nails the fundamental problem that has led us to Trump and offers a sensible solution (one neatly aligned with Christian principles, though he doesnt frame it that way; it’s my own feeling that if ‘big church’—to coin a phrase—really wanted to promote Christ’s work to help relieve on a broad scale the pain of those suffering, this would be a superb starting point).
Written in 2014, but as if from yesterday, reinforcing one’s first impression of what he’s saying making sense, but sounding much like any honest & reliable climate scientist shouting into the wind unheard.
All the same, no less illuminating and absolutely current, offering at least a ray of hope were anyone seriously interested.
This is the conversation we ought to be having—while we wisely sharpen the pitchforks as a backstop anyway…
@f800gecko @Npars01 Nick has long been a contrarian, in a good way. He’s right — “trickle down” is a scam. “Middle out” and “bottom up” are the right approaches.