Being the responsible parents we are, we have Carbon Monoxide alarms in the house, because hey, it’s what you do. Right?
Of course, they have never gone off (knock wood), so you do tend to forget that they exist at all.
Well, yesterday one of those alarms decided that it needed to really remind us that it exists, and that it’s been ten years since we activated it. Because it’s now time to replace it.
Of course, nobody was home - except for the dog. Who is now traumatized by that beeping hell-box that suddenly decided that it was a good idea to tell everybody out of the blue that it needs replacing - at 95dB, just to make sure.
Kidde - I’m sure you could at least start out with just a mild chirp, instead of going full “the bark collar from hell” crazy. No?
@torvalds Yeah that happened to us at like 3 in the morning. we thought it was the smoke alarm, so took it down. My partner was so tired, he was staring at the hole and saying, "It's still beeping."