@Mary625@mstdn.social @LALegault @BruceMirken @maggiejk
Yes I am not arguing against the blind spot thing. Just hoping they pay attention.
If he didn't have blind spots then I could only explain his position that he puts Israel ahead of his own interests or the interests of Americans.
@gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk I think most Dems (and Republicans) think there's more political danger in being seen as opposing Israel than in being pro-Israel. That's the only plausible explanation for only about 11 senators voting for Bernie Sanders' eminently reasonable and mild recent resolution.
@BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk I've been trying to figure out WHY Israel has so much clout. There is blackmail probably and the US need to have a military outpost in the middle east, but somehow, the fact the ENTIRE west is marching in lockstep. I wonder if somehow this is tied to the supremacy of the US$ as reserve currencyof the world, without it, the entire US economy would collapse, and with it every western economy due to how tightly the economies are interlocked. ...
@BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk pure speculation on my part but it has to be something massive for all western leaders to march in lockstep when the citizens are so not on board.
@sleepfreeparent @hfinyow @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk Surely a weak Palestinian state’s natural resources would be way easier to take advantage of? And cheaper too? Doesn’t sound right.
@hfinyow @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk
Israel has done the US lots of favors over the years, such as training the paramilitaries of S.American despots like Pinochet, among others. The US also, oddly, sees Israel as a very useful base in the middle of the Arab world.
As for the rest of the west, it mostly does what the US dictates.
@hfinyow @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk The discussion points alone would make a fat book, let alone the analysis required to make any sense of it. What is clear, however, is that Israel's outsized influence will come to an abrupt end once the age of oil does.
@pedrobizbikedu @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk
Maybe that's why RW governments in the west are so hell-bent on keeping up the era of Oil & Gas. Canada's Conservatives, for example, are far more pro-Israel than our already pro-Israel Liberals
@pedrobizbikedu @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk
It would certainly be advantageous to the US and most importantly, the supremacy of the US$ as world reserve currency that Oil & Gas dominate the energy market. Renewables mean that the US cannot hold weaker nations hostage by cutting them off from the US$ or by threatening their energy supply. What would they do? Stop the wind, block out the sun? That is, renewables spell an end to US $ hegemony.
@pedrobizbikedu @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk
One big irony in all I say here is that the Biden administration is doing a massive push on renewables in the US itself, and Saudi Arabia has done quite a bit of work deploying solar farms despite being an oil producing nation. Norway too, massive oil exporter, not so as massive an oil user. More contrary, Russia benefits from weaker US $ but not weaker oil prices.
@hfinyow @pedrobizbikedu @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk
I think we need to be looking beyond individual nations-- the people with the most money and power hold no loyalties above money and power. Nations are chess pieces, toys. The feudalist conflicts between oligarchs are what's really moving and shaking things. No flags, no ideologies, no theatrical coronations, just smoke filled room mafia shit basically.
@violetmadder @pedrobizbikedu @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk so that's why what's going on in the world almost feels like a Mafia gang war playing out in slow motion
@hfinyow @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk have you considered the possibility that they are despicable human beings highly supportive of any and all colonial projects? If it walks like a duck etc, etc...
In all seriousness, the US establishment are the true inheritors of the British establishment, the original racists, of course they support Israel. It is who they are. Europeans and Americans need to stop thinking that their leaders are special but corrupted. No, they are the problem. The most viscous, nasty, greedy, selfish and cruel people on the planet. There are no puppet masters pulling the strings. It is them of their own free, evil volition
@RobertoArchimboldi @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk
I think by US establishment, you're referring to the so-called deep-state, which kind of exists, but is really a catch-all for high-level career civil servants who revolve between govt and private sector, and the owners/major shareholders of large companies....the politicians themselves are merely actors. I'm trying to clarify because it seems that our politicians are acting against their political interests.
@hfinyow @BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk
Sorry I wasn't clear enough and thank you for your thoughtful response. I'm referring to Joe Biden and friends. Sure the senior administration share the view, but it is just the view of the people in Congress, the elected representative. It is in no way hidden.
Maybe Biden has jeopardized his chances of reelection and ditto some senators and representatives. They do it as a matter of principle one might say. They are the masters of the neo colonial project. It is fundamentally what they are about because they are horrible human beings.
That is my simple minded take
@BruceMirken @gee8sh @Mary625 @LALegault @maggiejk That there's more political danger in being seen as opposing Israel than in being pro-Israel is the reality, unfortunately. There are also social consequences, such as unemployment, being put on a watchlist, and being shunned.