A lot of players seem to be getting serious knee injuries these days. Anyone know if it's on the increase, or just a recency/availability bias in my head?
Is there any open data available on injuries we can interrogate?
Shit, and now we get this news today:
> Ivan Perisic has suffered a complex Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury in his right knee
Definitely on the rise and a lot of it has to do with the I creased frequency and intensity of matches in men’s football
In women’s football it’s that as well, the fact that they are more prone to acl tears in general than men, and the fact that football cleats aren’t designed for women specifically, they still use the framework of men’s cleats, which also causes issues.
I wonder if the playing surface has anything to do with it.
@hallenbeck i guess it’ll be son, solomon and Deki, johnson rotating the wings.
@paulk_ Unfortunately, none bring what Ivan brought. He's our only true, wide, deliver-it-onto-striker's-head winger. If he hadn't been on the pitch against Sheffield, would we have won against Sheffield? It's a massive blow for sure.
@hallenbeck always better to have more options in the squad than one less option, no one crosses the ball better than Ivan at Spurs.
@paulk_ @hallenbeck hopefully Gil is nearly fit and gets a chance too