As Guapo is one of my favourite musicking ensembles that have existed, I'm always thrilled when they are included in a broadcast. Five Suns was the first album I heard of theirs. I saw them in Praha on the tour of the next album (Black Oni) and they played both in their entirety.
Of course, I enjoyed the rest of the broadcast quite a bit, as well! Good stuff.
@flavigula @jrp I'm currently listening to the whole Five Suns album.. thank you for reminding me that this whole genre exists! Will have to dig out some Magma CDs later...
Lately, my Magma listening has been to Kõhntartösz (remastered studio album) and audio rips of the Epok DVDs. I love that stuff.
Everything by Guapo from Five Suns forward is great, in my opinion. The pre Five Suns albums are interesting, too, but have a very different approach.
If you like Guapo, you might also enjoy Nebelnest (the first two albums).
That would be fun, for sure, andI'l love to, but it can't be this summer, as I have too much going on. "Work" - meaning work that actually pays me :) and getting the new album and it's booklet finished. By September I should have a lot more free time....!
Invitation accepted! We'll just have to set the date at a later time. :)