"There were problems."
NBC's newly hired GOP party boss uses flagship Sunday news platform to perpetrate the 'big lie.'
Well , you can’t argue with that little kernel of fact…so then Ronna must be a bearer of truth, right Kristen? There must be another pony in the manure pile somewhere. Keep digging.
So. Kristin. Shine your lights on her! Think of all the #maga spin-off sound bites, Kristin.
Yes there were problems:
- GOP voter suppresssion
- GOP voter fraud
- GOP strong-arm tactics to manipulate results (incl. the fake elector project Ronna coordinated)
Oh... those weren't the problems Ronna talked about?
@mastodonmigration platforming the Big Lie is collaboration. Paying to platform the Big Lie is complicity.
@mastodonmigration Religious dogma of the cult.
@mastodonmigration “There were problems….and I’m DELIGHTED to say that my friends were responsible for almost every single one of them.”
@mastodonmigration Why ever would a news organisation hire someone with such obviously compromised credibility and integrity?
@kennykravitz @mastodonmigration media is now entertainment. The yelling and lying is the point.
@kennykravitz @mastodonmigration they live in a corporate Dem bubble, where the world is a struggle between Biden-ites and Trumpies only. Biden's main political project of his presidency has been to try to pry enough Republicans into voting his way that he can pass his watered-down shit. To corporate Dems, bringing her over to MSNBC is a triumph of gotcha politics. "You don't want this lady and her political clout and connections? Fine. We'll take her for Our Team. Take that!" That's how they see it. As if having Albert Speer airing his opinions on Voice of America would have been a blow to the Nazis.
What an idiotic take.
@mastodonmigration @kennykravitz it's a pretty good indication of how out of touch they are with general Democrat voter opinion. But maybe that's not the point. Maybe most of the MSNBC advertiser target audience shares their liberal-but-not-left worldview? I kind of doubt it, though. I think the main reason they did this is that one of the requirements for rising within that news culture is of course to think of politics as a game, a televised sport. So they "scored" the former head of the other party. Score! People who understand and can empathize with the casualties of that sport get filtered out before they reach the top.
@mastodonmigration Ronna is criminal and should not be platformed by NBC. Fake electors and other seditious and traitorous acts