The climate crisis has reached a point that the end of growth is inevitable. Either we hit the end of growth like hitting a brick wall or we can implement #degrowth as just and as equitable as possible.
#Decarbonization is likewise inevitable. We either transition to lower energy requirements or we will hit it like jumping out of a plane without a parachute.
The end of the capitalist mode of production will be either forced upon us by the climate crisis, or we build a better world for our children.
Transition is inevitable, but a #JustTransition is not. We have to actively choose it.
If “degrowth” means “sustainable,” can we find a better word? Like “defund” (the police), it misleads.
Capitalism—and economies in general—have two paths: the extractive, exploitative path and the sustainable, mutually beneficial path. One is obviously better.
Regardless, I appreciate the original post. I can’t shake the feeling that we’re living in 1914 Europe, and the powers that be are not resisting the forces that are going to destroy them.
@patrickgillam @abolisyonista There's a strong sense of deja vu there daily isn't it for those generally knowledgeable about history's recursive trends
@patrickgillam @abolisyonista it doesn’t mean ‘sustainable’. The aim of degrowth is to get us to sustainability, but it’s not interchangeable with ‘sustainability’. It specifically means the process of achieving a planned reduction of environmental impact from human activity in order to bring our impacts back within planetary boundaries.