For the rich, it was never about culture wars. They were merely mechanisms used to distract the masses away from the real issue of class inequality.
* Beware privileged rich blokes offering solutions to the common folk. Do you REALLY think they care about you?
@AnthonyFStevens Textbook example of 'socialism of fools'. Breaking up solidarity within the working class by pushing outrageous conspiracy theories. This is how Jewish leftists were split from the working class and ended up in Hitlers camps. This is happening over and over again whenever the elites feel threatened.
It beggars belief that even in this 2024 information age, the common man is STILL falling for this bullshit!
@AnthonyFStevens @bernavv I hate to draw it back to religion, but if you're ok with an imaginary dictator in an imaginary kingdom, it's easy to rationalize supporting a real dictator setting up a real kingdom. Plus, it's too easy to accept your cultural heritage and religion rather than being forced to read, comprehend, and think your way out of it!
@AnthonyFStevens @bernavv Bullshit information is still information. We neglected to adequately teach critical thinking as we entered this age it seems.
A very valid point. What seriously disappoints me is how few people are prepared to do even rudimentary research & apply critical thinking, before making an informed decision.
I truly despair!