@ckshowalter Am back on Masto because, with NO warning & NO reason given, Twitter suspended my account. Apparently this is happening to many since the start of the year & I guess it was my "turn". I've filed an appeal but, based on others' experiences, I'm assuming it will fail. It stinks because I enjoyed interacting with you & others there. (PS, my Twitter handle was "UseYourIndoorVoice"/@RockMeetsWater)
@IndoorVoice well fuck :( I’m so sorry
@ckshowalter Thank you...it really irks me because I can't think of a thing I did that would warrant suspension. Plus, I relied on twitter to keep up with virtual friends and with current events. I know many folks have migrated to insta & threads, but I don't want Zuck getting my personal info (or at least any more than he already has). And I'm still waiting for bluesky to *finally* let me in.... :(