#FYI #community #resist #resistance #stopcapitalism #DismantleTheSystem #boycott #EconomicBlackout #Amazon #Jeffbezos #AmazonBoycott
Boycott Amazon 07. - 14. March 2025
Two more days to go --> make it a week --> make it a month --> continue --> We got this! ^.^
Refuse to spend money on anything that feeds this corrupt economy!
Get self and community sufficient. Reuse, refurbish, repair. Grow your own. Swap, exchange, gift. Practice mutual help in your neighborhood.
It’s been so easy! I think I will continue indefinitely.
What I figured out in the last week is that many of my Amazon purchases are just impulse purchases of stuff I don’t need!
#amazonBoycott #boycottAmazon
Yes, same here! Things to borrow or maybe DIY. Or things eventually available locally.
(Since I have no car I either walk 1,5 hours to the supermarket with a tiny everything-shop, which I do anyway for groceries (trainig muscles uphill, no need for a gym *gg*) or if I find that thing online in a small shop in the "big city", I can take the bus there, which is 2,5 hours over the mountains. That's doable once in a month or so and even a fun excursion ^.^)
It dawned on me a few years ago that gyms & exercise equipment were invented to replace all the physical labor daily life entailed before all our labor-saving devices became commonplace. Kinda silly really!
@bronakins Yes! City people like me got so flimsy When I first came to live here on the mountain top a few years ago, a tiny little lady in maybe her 70's came the way up at the same pace as I went down, smiling at me, wishing a nice day, while carrying a huge bunch of dried treebranches on her back. I was like
as she walked by. Since then I tried to catch up, but the women here still can outrun anyone uphill with ease
(The men can't. They own cars