I think part of my problem with #TTRPG lately is that covid brought my face-to-face group to an end. Didn’t enjoy online #roleplaying over Discord, so moved to #SoloRPG. But a few months ago the #Roleplaying table became my partner’s home office so my #RPG space is my home office, but I work there 4 days a week, don’t really want to spend my weekends there too. Need to find a hobby space.
Physically set up the nook. Not 100% sure if it will work.
Partner asked if I would be ok playing there while they watch TV or game. Had wondered that. Can wear headphones and listen to music while I #SoloRPG, as long as they don’t have volume too loud or aren’t too loud #SwearyGamer
Question is now, can they do that while I’m #Roleplaying? Think I might have to use a diceroller app, sure the sound of actual dice rolling will annoy them #PossibilyAutistic #SoundSensitivity
I love the way real dice feel. Actually, it's one of the reasons I sit down at a table to #solorpg. Fortunately their sound is easy to counter; putting a piece of felt into a small box is done in a second with scissors and glue.
@SaltyMonk Me too, a dice app is never as satisfying as rolling the actual dice and I have a very nice #TalesFromTheLoop dice tray, which I will try out with my partner in the room. But the reality is that living with a #Neurodivergent partner is you can’t always predict which sounds however quiet or loud will cause a difficulty. So I like to have a back up plan.
Yeah, it's always good to have a backup plan! I use "Dice" by 7Pixels on Android because it has presets and one can change the colours of the dice quickly. Having one red and two black dice means one can throw a 1d6, 2d6 or 3d6 with one throw. That's quite handy for #Quills #solorpg for example.