Have just watched episode 1 of “The Story of Pearl Girl” Didn’t realize that the premise was quite so dark. The pearl divers are slaves and treated with contempt. Liu Yuning’s character is morally ambiguous at this point and Tang Xiaotian’s character is his foil, who is visibly drawn towards Zhao Lusi.
The chemistry between all three leads is already on display. This drama promises to be complex and rewarding.
@Sollenbum ooh I'll have to watch that later! I'm still only a few eps through Kill Me Love Me because my husband decided to take an interest (which is great!) but his limit is usually one episode at a time haha
@Alecto Actually, work forced me to watch “Kill Me Love Me” fairly slowly and I think it made my watching experience better. I think the same may be true of Pearl Girl…
@Sollenbum I'm just glad it's on Netflix and I have something to look forward to this evening !
@Alecto It’s always nice to have a good series on the go
@Sollenbum I need things to look forward to these days lol
@Alecto Hope that these small pleasures can make your days better
@Sollenbum They usually do! I was looking forward to this show, along with the one with Brocade in the title - Brocade Odyssey, I think?
@Alecto Definitely looking forward to that one, too! Zheng Yecheng and Tan Songyun together sounds lovely!