A few days ago, I asked a self-identified leftist why they're still on Twitter.
Their response: "I shouldn't have to leave Twitter, Elon Musk should!"
That's not how it works.
Elon Musk literally owns Twitter now. It's completely in his private hands. Twitter isn't even trading on the stock market anymore.
Twitter's data centers hosting all your tweets? Elon Musk physically owns them now.
Everything you put on Twitter now -- Elon Musk owns it!
I think a lot of people are in denial.
But, nothing changes the facts:
- just logging into Twitter makes you a DAU (daily active user), which is the core profit metric Twitter uses to entice advertisers
- every like, reply, RT/QT is engagement, also used to entice advertisers
- every *view* (even accidentally) of a tweet is an "impression," which very often benefits individuals like Musk & those to whom people are opposed.
Any activity benefits Musk. No way around it.
@VirginiaMurr @atomicpoet You can easily block over 24,000 #FoulFowl advertisers using theblockbot.com here: https://www.theblockbot.com/show-blocks/sLlMoQj71oWwWY_F-pRq3ih5I9Fz3NxZtZq7KTVd