Many newcomers due to what's happening in The Bad Place, so here's another #introduction. Hi! I'm an astronomer and science communicator at the European Southern Observatory.
Below is a pic from my previous "office" at ESO's Paranal Observatory in #Chile. I now work full time as Media Officer at ESO's HQ in #Germany.
I mostly post about #astronomy #space #photography and #astrophotography
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@astro_jcm that's so cool.
Calling the other site the Bad Place
Just finished watching "The Good Place" a few months ago.
Thanks for making me laugh :)
Is #Mastodon "The Good Place"?
What would "The Medium Place" be? (chin stroke)
@astro_jcm this is genuinely beautiful.
@astro_jcm that's a sweet photo.
@astro_jcm spectacular photo!
Brilliant composition!!!
@astro_jcm Aah! I recognized it immediately! I was lucky enough to spend a few days at Paranal in 2010 when we were filming "Meteorite Men." Without a doubt, one of the most marvelous and magnificent places I have ever visited. The James Bond connection is a plus too
@rockandfossil I hope you enjoyed your stay there! And yeah, everyone leaves with a pic of themselves lifting the fake rocks
@astro_jcm Yes! It was a brilliant time. Unforgettable actually. I'd love to return some day. I was particularly impressed by the music room! Thanks for the message
@astro_jcm missing your posts here…
@juandesant I happen to be visiting for a couple of weeks, so hopefully more pics will follow
@astro_jcm well, I meant mostly about your presence in Mastodon… we were missing your posts!
@astro_jcm and now I realise I had a client problem… I have added notifications to your posts, so that should fix it (fix me ).
@astro_jcm a beautiful shot on the rim of our galaxy