We just quietly reopened submissions to see what would happen. Two quick submissions. One AI, one not.
@clarkesworld do you have a reliable way of establishing if a submission is AI-generated or not?
@rysiek @clarkesworld I think the usual way is to get the submission in a room with a Voight-Kampff machine and ask it the question about the tortoise.
But that sometimes backfires.
@rysiek Some are quite obvious to us. Those "authors" are banned. Some require a little more digging, but may not be worth the time. The tools out there are spotty at best, but combined with other bits of data we can knock out some more. We have no doubt that some just get a reject. We don't ban unless certain.
@clarkesworld right. Thank you.
@clarkesworld @rysiek I think the scariest thing, for me and others, is the thought that our stories will be mistaken for AI submissions when AI gets better at this.
It's reassuring that you don't ban unless you are absolutely sure.
@jrussellwrites @clarkesworld @rysiek
for the next few months at least you could require every text submission to include continuous video of the author writing the story in longhand, beginning with an outline, complete with every edit and erasure
only a short-term fix until the ai gains the ability to fabricate the video
The terrible future where to be able to submit a short story you have to write it in front of a test proctor.
@clarkesworld Im really sorry to hear that this is happening to you.
Sorry to see this, as well as the Amazon subscription thing being withdrawn. As a scifi writer working on my first novel it's sad to see the space being spammed by the "get rich quick" brigade. This is why we can't have nice things.