Everyone, we're expecting... a VR experience at the International Astronomical Union GA Exhibition Hall!
If you're in Cape Town for the #IAU2024, you can try a VR headset and step fully into the virtual venue for the conference, chat with online attendees, check out the virtual exhibits and sit on the IAU sign (the VIRTUAL sign. Do not sit on the physical sign!).
Remember, if you're registered for the conference, you can also join the virtual space from anywhere on your laptop or smartphone.
@elizabethtasker you are just next to our booth, I think! Want to try (when there is a bit less going on at our booth than I expect tomorrow to be )
@guysoft Yes if you're registered for the meeting (you don't even need a VR headset: the space is cross-compatible on browser and smartphone)
@guysoft the talks are actually been streamed for free on YouTube! But aspects such as the virtual venue are for registered attendees, and it is quite steep yes!
@Polychrome @guysoft there is an app for the Quest headset for the platform that we’re using: spatial.io. Unfortunately, I think other headsets aren’t supported.