Visited the Toriton Hokkaido sushi restaurant in Shinagawa, where it’s necessary to queue before the restaurant floor opens at 11am, and run (elbows at the ready) to the Toriton entrance to sit any time before mid-afternoon Delicacies included seared salmon and… seminal fluid. Oddly delicious.
That _is_ what I thought it was!
Some unusual... things... are eaten where you are.
Uhh… apparently I have some questions around the sourcing of seminal fluid???
@joy I did not enquire (Nor am I ever going too....!!)
@elizabethtasker Fair enough
@elizabethtasker - Seminal fluid aside, what's with the cup of fingers?
@conflummoxed in the top photo? That would indeed be the seminal fluids…!
@elizabethtasker - Ok... I have questions, but I am not going to ask them, because some things I am probably better off not knowing.