Sayhi to the weird little clamp that I ran over with my bike on my way to work right now. If you ever wondered who would win in a battle between a weird little clamp and a bike tire, so the answer is the weird little clamp
I bought it home and cleaned it
Painting the weird little clamp
@MLE_online wow I bet it never expected to be found and loved again after it was lost and rusted
@ferrix Its evolutionary strategy is popping bike tires so the bike owner takes it home and takes care of it
You realise they pair for life? You'll need to find its former partner or it'll pine.
@botvolution @ferrix Unless it didn't have a partner yet. If so, now it's imprinted on me
@MLE_online @ferrix it's the sink-plant of the clamp world
@InstantArcade @ferrix except sink plant never did me any wrong