Latest nextgen Covid vax update:
- Encouraging preclinical results for an intranasal pancoronavirus vaccine from the Uni of Houston;
- And then there were 30 ... mucosal vaxes reaching clinical trial - with some new clinical results;
- Preclinical results for an intranasal vax that held a high immune response for at least 15 months;
- News from Project NextGen, including 1st of their trials beginning recruitment;
& more at @PLOS thanks for the updates!
Do any of the vaccines last longer than 6 months?
@Methylcobalamin @PLOS The only nextgen vax that's been approved by what's called a stringent regulator appears to, & as a self-amplifying mRNA vax it theoretically should too. So far doing better than Pfizer at 6 mths: Only available in Japan so far, but aiming to be widely available eventually.
Good news. Thank you.
@hildabast @Methylcobalamin @PLOS
Thank you so much for these updates, tiny drops of optimism
@hildabast @PLOS I’ve had my highest hopes for intranasal vaccines since first hearing about them a few years ago. This is encouraging to read. To see pancorona efforts with high durability in this category is doubly encouraging.
@hildabast @PLOS How does administration of a nasal vaccine work in practice? Do you go to a doctor's office and then get the vaccine at the front desk, administer it yourself, and then sit in the waiting room for a bit in case you have an anaphylactic reaction?
@drgroftehauge @PLOS They vary quite a bit. And what they're doing in development, may be different to what they scale up for manufacture.
For example, some are drops. There are different types of sprays - including some that could be self-administered.