This isn't my usual kind of ranty post, but I need to get this off my chest.
The pager explosions story. Why is the western media treating this as shrewd politics? For instance, Jeremy Bowen on the BBC "A tactical triumph for Israel". Axios and Al-Monitor "It was a use it or lose it moment, says a US official".
The deliberate injuring, maiming, and killing of civilians is not clever politics. This is wrong; ethically, morally and legally.
How can anyone condone this?
My thought for #Today
The opening lines of the BBC story:
" Israel has scored a significant tactical triumph in this operation – the sort of spectacular coup you would read about in a thriller.
Undoubtedly it’s a humiliation for Hezbollah, which will increase their insecurity and be bad for their morale.
However there is a potentially serious strategic downside for Israel, because while this humiliates the powerful Lebanese militia and political movement, it doesn’t deter them. "
Humiliation, bad for morale.
@justinfarrimond They picked a side and are sticking with it, no matter what.
I think that's a huge mistake, but they seem content with celebrating atrocities.
I'm starting to wonder exactly how much was learned after the 19th century, and if any of that is still remembered by most people.
Because they seem to be right back to celebrating "successful repression of barbarians" like nothing was learned at all.
@justinfarrimond Jeremy Bowen sounds creepy.
@MoiraEve Jim Bowen was funnier.
@justinfarrimond As someone else pointed out earlier, can you imagine what could have happened if one of these devices was on a commercial flight when it detonated?
@ianm My word, I'd never even thought of that. The damage that could've been done!
@justinfarrimond @ianm
Cell phone devices are supposed to be turned off when on airplanes.
This attack was narrowly targeted at terrorists via the actual weapons they were carrying, pagers to stay in contact with Hezbollah leaders. It will go down in the annals of military history as one of the most effective attacks against an aggressor so I understand why there is some admiration for it coming from war correspondents and such.
@GreenFire @ianm Narrowly targeted? Pagers are weapons?
Oh dear.
@justinfarrimond So many of Israel's actions over the last year had the stated intention of 'destroying Hamas/ Hezbollah'. However, I fear that they will have the opposite effect - acting as a powerful motivator to recruit pained/ aggrieved/ angry people into their membership. Potentially a long-term own goal by Israel
@jschwa1 An own goal is usually a political misstep. These actions have caused catastrophic injuries and death. How this situation can be pulled back from the brink I've no idea.
@justinfarrimond Exactly what weapons and tactics are legitimate and acceptable in warfare is a complicated question. War is never very clean or unproblematic.
But it's hard to imagine the reporting would be the same if Hezbollah had somehow sabotaged devices used by Israel and blown up a bunch of Israeli officials along with civilians who happened to be nearby.
@ids1024 Israel are not currently at war with Lebanon. This was not a theatre of conflict.
@justinfarrimond if any other country did this, it would rightly be condemned as international terrorism. But, for some reason, the extreme Zionist state is finding out how far it can go and discovered genocide wasn't the limit. No-one else could call this 'self-defence', although several states have tried in the past.
@justinfarrimond why are we not condemning the originators of this attack as terrorists. And if shown to be state sponsored, not organising sanctions against that state?
Perhaps because we fear the state that probably did this.
@epistatacadam There's money in death. These kind of actions boost the bottom line of the stock exchange. We are in thrall to the almighty dollar.
@justinfarrimond because people automatically assume (as the article shows) that there are no civilian casualties. Only terrorists would wear the pagers! It's so clever! Super good targeting!
It's like some kind of James Bond fantasy.
@susankayequinn And where does it end?
@justinfarrimond it's terrorism, surely.