#MastodonNews Dec 2, 2022
More great work from the amazing Tim Chambers @tchambers and his team.
Dewey Square: A Snapshot of the Twitter Migration >>> https://www.deweysquare.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/DSG-Snapshot-of-the-Twitter-Migration-December-12-2022.pdf
In this analysis, we explain our most recent results on these early waves of users opening and promoting other accounts on other platforms. We show you the first patterns that we see on each alternative platform.
Tim's post >>> https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109444878965910054
#News >>> https://medium.com/@mastodonmigration/sharing-advice-and-assisting-with-the-great-mastodon-migration-53c1a286b805#cfd1
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online @tchambers@indieweb.social
Did they check the servers listed in Twitter bios for platform? Or did they just assume that all Fediverse style links were Mastodon servers?
@HaplogroupNews @mastodonmigration
For the scope of this research we focused purely on the platforms that had the most mention by Twitter users, so that did tend to be Mastodon.
For future research we will look at all Fediverse platforms regardless of rate of mention by Twitter users.