@AstroMigration Post of the Day
Speaking of #Starlink, today's #POTD (https://mastodon.social/@sundogplanets/111025157450982774) goes to astronomer Prof. Sam Lawler @sundogplanets:
"Almost all the satellites you can see with your eyes now are Starlinks. Nicely demonstrated in this awful/beautiful photo: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap220614.html "
Thank you Prof. Lawler for continuing to remind the world of the catastrophe unfolding in low earth orbit.
Check out @AstroMigration for more great #astronomy, #space and #astrophysics
@mastodonmigration @AstroMigration @sundogplanets Thanks for reminding me to advise my phone company (One.NZ), who are so excited to 'soon be offering starlink text/calls to all customers', that if there is no opt out, I'm out.
I can't stop it but I don't have to fund it.
@mastodonmigration @AstroMigration @sundogplanets What am ai looking at?
How long was this exposure?
Why aren’t the stars arcs?
How come all photos don’t look like this?
@marshray @mastodonmigration @AstroMigration @sundogplanets the link to APOD explains how the image was made.
@glasspusher @mastodonmigration @AstroMigration @sundogplanets Yeah, it's a composite of multiple time frames.
I spend way too much time trying to explain things to "moon and globe skeptics", and for this type of artistic work to be presented by NASA is distinctly unhelpful.
I consider myself a fan of NASA and even I feel it's somewhat deceptive.
@marshray @mastodonmigration @AstroMigration @sundogplanets the pic on apod has the description of how that image was made right below it. I don’t consider that deceptive. Satellite trails are what professional astronomers have to deal with.
Thanks for trying to educate the moon and globe skeptics, though. Those folks have bigger problems…
@mastodonmigration @AstroMigration @sundogplanets especially as it seems that Musk has the power to turn off the [Starlink] internet to various regions, at will...
@mastodonmigration @AstroMigration @sundogplanets Starweb not the only low orbit mass satellite company One web part owned by UK Government also has many
@mastodonmigration @AstroMigration @sundogplanets Whats worse is that, like Climate Change, "today" is as good as it gets and the forseeable future is increasingly worse.
Not only are significantly more Starlink sat's due to be launched - but there are at least two competing nation state systems in active development from both Russia & China - so imagine this number of sats multiplied by 3 or 4 within 10 years just for this one purpose.
@mastodonmigration @AstroMigration Thanks for the share! I'll definitely keep yelling about this as much as I can.
Quick correction: I'm in Canada, not the UK. Thanks!
@sundogplanets @AstroMigration Apologies. Edited to remove the UK. Thanks again.