I imported all of my old Twitter archive, my Letterboxd ratings, old Facebook posts, Instagram posts, Day One journal entries, posts from my photo diary and Mastodon posts into an Obsidian vault (that's more than 19.000 markdown files), and now I can use Obsidian Dataview to list what happened on this day in the past years. That's fun to dig through!
I also wrote some small scripts that run every night on my server and automatically download the latest Letterboxd ratings, Mastodon posts and photos I post into my photo diary at https://www.maxhaesslein.de/moments
@maxhaesslein That's cool and still on my agenda for my Obsidian vault. I used some scripts and IFTTT back in the day to collect infos from various sites and create a (private) post on my Known site (https://github.com/egoexpress/sifttter-redux-known) and I haven't found the time to set this up again.