For the latest issue of my newsletter, I wrote about the work of @NanoRaptor! I find her tech photoshops endlessly fascinating, thought-provoking, and hilarious.
@mwichary @NanoRaptor So, I guess the title for your next book is "Weird Tech Happens" ...
@mwichary this is the crossover I didn't know I wanted
@mwichary @NanoRaptor THAT FIRST ONE IS A PHOTOSHOP?
@mwichary @NanoRaptor :-D I also love how Dana has made more than a few things over time that so many people have said "Want!" and then lamented it never existed...
@mwichary @NanoRaptor Glorious.
That iPod reminded me of a London meetup after one of the O'Reilly Emerging Tech conferences. The iPod Shuffle had just appeared and being all tech early adopters about 10 people in the audience had one. A speaker persuaded them to put them all in a cardboard box as a demo of modern functional tech to be retrieved at the end
At the end of the talk there were 10 very upset people who couldn't find *their* shuffle.
@mwichary @NanoRaptor For a brief moment there were tiny MP3 players that ran RockBox With a microSD slot and a tiny screen.
Like everything else it got absorbed into the phone. And now 1Tb MicroSd is a thing, along with cheap Android phones with an SD slot.
The funniest, "not quite a design fiction", phone at the moment is a smartphone that's been shrunk to Prison ButtPhone size. Touch keyboard on a screen 1" * 1.5"
@mwichary @NanoRaptor The QWERTY calculator watch did exist. You can buy one used.
@mwichary @NanoRaptor I take it back. That’s not QWERTY. Just looks like it at first glance.