Any parent reading this will know the unconditional love you have for your children. It is literally UNconditional.
However, here is Elon saying his child is dead because they're trans. Not committed a horrific crime. Not murdered anyone. Not even shoplifted.
They're just trans.
That's it. And now dead to him.
If he can't have empathy for his own children, what makes you think he gives two shits about the rest of you?
@newsthump And that message reached half a million people.
@newsthump He sounds like he actually believe the anti-nazi protests are woke mind viruses
And that he’s gotten dementia don to sign off on military force against them
@newsthump And as his child has said, he didn't have a child. He's pissed because he paid for a boy, and didn't get what he paid for.
@newsthump Remember: He ordered only boys. He wants only boys. Even before her transition, he hated the idea of having daughters.
EVERY SINGLE CHILD he has paid money for to make sure they were boys. So he is not only pissed because some "woke virus", he is angry because she betrayed his big plan.
@WhyNotZoidberg @newsthump I wonder if he demanded a refund. I’ll bet he has.
@WhyNotZoidberg @newsthump The fact that he ordered only boys
And one turned out Trans, no doubt despite his best efforts
Proves Trans people are a natural part of the species variation
So even if Trump/Musk manage to kill us all one day, then there will be more born in the next generation
Whether the fascists like it or not, we're here to stay
What do you mean by "he paid"?
@Lily_and_frog @newsthump artificial insemination with guaranteed outcomes to make sure the embryos were male. His children are business transactions.
He did that? What a prick.
@Lily_and_frog @newsthump "Something something only men can carry on a dynasty blah blah common fascist bullshit blah". I assume he's thinking.
You assume he's thinking? You're being generous! Lol
@newsthump And he's so full of hate for her that he deadnames her repeatedly and deliberately.
Nobody cares what dumb X-name you foisted on the poor kid, Musk. She's her own person, not yours and she says her name is Vivian.
@anarchic_teapot yknow, I often wonder how he would have reacted if she had chosen a name that started with X
e.g. Xerica or Xena or Xia
no I am not suggesting she should have done so. it's just a mental exercise in speculation.
@newsthump I wish your view of parents was true. Alas, I have met too many children badly damaged by parental abuse: emotional, physical, and sexual. Musk’s cruelty is, sadly, all too common.
Vivian Jenna Wilson responds here
(tiktok link)
@felis_catus_domesticus so first, that term needs to die because it's named after the Nazi doctor who sorted autistic children into "can be put to work" and "can be exterminated". Second, being on the autism spectrum doesn't mean that you can't have empathy. This is smearing a disadvantaged minority with the deeds of a single asshole...
It could well be that he didn't show this facet of his personality until it was too late
@punissuer @felis_catus_domesticus @newsthump Eh, you can stop using it if you want, but I’ll keep occasionally referring to it to clarify what my deal is to people who just won’t understand.
@enoch_exe_inc @punissuer Right now it comes off as your deal is blaming the disability for his actions and using a nazi definition in doing so.
As for the women I only know what two of them has said publicly:
- Vivian's mother says he started showing on their wedding, and then she was stuck in an abusive relationship until the divorce.
- Grimes says she didn't realize until after a couple of years (but prior to that she didn't seem to mind his racism/fascism, as she spread a bunch of it).
@Mabande @enoch_exe_inc @punissuer My deal is that I’m #ActuallyAutistic and what that means for me is that I was officially diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome when that was still a term. And, judging by your reaction, I am fully justified in having to use it to explain “what my deal is”.
@enoch_exe_inc I think @Mabande might have missed that you are not the person who made the post I commented on. Happened to me before, too...
@punissuer @enoch_exe_inc Yep, seems @felis_catus_domesticus disappeared from my reply for some reason.
@enoch_exe_inc @punissuer If we're to judge eachother's reaction, I'd say you assume you can't imagine anyone in the autistic group disagreeing with you.
@Mabande @enoch_exe_inc @punissuer I was disagreeing with you(?) Also, who cares how I come across? I need to use the term because “autistic” and “Asperger’s syndrome” haven’t exchanged their negative connotations yet.
@felis_catus_domesticus @newsthump I guess you mean narcissist instead of aspie
That's his whole argument for being right-wing. I believe he would still be an ungrateful, disgusting oligarch if he hadn't moved right. But he'd probably be less obvious about what he wants; an all white, all male, all heterosexual country
@huxley @maddie_dee @newsthump
I haven't seen that in a long time
He's picked up that statement structure habit from Trump.
* State some bullshit
* Tell everyone that bullshit affects them
* Swear to solve the bullshit
We all know that the Democrats are cube shaped, and that's bad for all of us. Nobody can work with cube shaped people. Let me tell you, THERE WILL BE NO CUBES FROM NOW.
With calling her "they" you also do not accept who she is.
@vandal @newsthump most transphobes do that.
@vandal @newsthump
Yeah, at first I thought that might have been Vivans preferred pronoun, but both Vivians instagram and the teenvogue article list her pronouns as "She/Her".
@newsthump "If he can't have empathy for his own children"
<cough> <cough>
@newsthump The only comfortable in this is knowing that at least for one person #Musk is dead too.
He thinks he is superior to everyone in everything, so this must hurt his ego like nothing else.
What a horrible person this man is.
@newsthump This is the kind of father who would have lost his children to CSD after being diagnosed as a sociopath, but he wasn't in the income bracket for consequences.
@newsthump How many times have you seen a person who is worse that Dick Cheney? Even Darth Vader changed his mind, when one of his kids announced she was gay.
@Fat_Farang @newsthump It's crazy that Dick Cheney has been only the 3rd worst president in my lifetime with Trump (First Term) and Elon (Trump's Second Term) actually beating him out.
@newsthump Oh I'm well aware that Elon doesn't give a shit about me, or you, or anyone else. He's piece of shit maniac who is going to get a lot of people killed, even more than he's killed with his shitty cars.
They're just science experiments in furtherance of his shitty eugenics based worldview.
He definitely doesn't give a shit about any of us other than we're just part of what he considers a fun game.
This dude definitely tortured animals as a child.
@newsthump please don't post Vivian's deadname.
I don't think NewsThump has, it is only in a screenshot of a post Musk has long ago made, and there isn't any alt text in the image either. Since this is probably a bot or software driven account automatically generating the content I don't think it can blur Vivians deadname.
@KindlyWizard @newsthump and she uses she/her pronouns afaik.
@newsthump We can't have people in government airing their dirty laundry and pushing their own agenda becasue of it. What the fuck is wrong with this world?
@newsthump speaking of empathy: can you please add #AltText?
A post by Elon Musk on 24 March 2025, it has around five thousand likes, a thousand re-tweets and a thousand comments. It says:
Exactly. My son… died. He was killed by the woke mind virus. Now, the woke mind virus will die.
(Note: I've redacted Musk's use of Vivian Wilson's former name, as people who have changed their name may desire)
@newsthump Salute or no, this mindset is Nazi shit. It's how the genocidal pipeline happens.
@PursuitOfElysia @newsthump The Hitler salute makes him a nazi already, by virtue. He was a nazi before because he profited from the Apartheid regime.
he really is a horrible human sorry but he is HUMAN?! I always thought he was a demon in human skin, or some sort of monster disguising itself as a human hmm yes a boy wanting to be a girl means they're dead, yeah that makes sense
now i see why people hate elon so much
@Natsura @newsthump @samiamsam there is absolutely nothing human in that sack of flesh. Plenty of pustulent oozing disease perhaps, but nothing human.
@newsthump #altText4you tweet by Elon Musk (Mar 22, 2025):
My son, Xavier, died. He was killed by the woke mind virus.
Now, the woke mind virus will die.
@newsthump "Your child" was not killed by "a woke mind virus" any more than you are a decent human being and acted as any sort of caring parent. You just spurt and go.
Yeah, when I came out, my Mom had 6 people pin me down, inject me in the neck, and drag me into a windowless psychiatric ward, where I spent 10 days, with only a dim memory of someone entering periodically, and injecting me in the bum.
She had a psychiatrist forcibly mis-medicate me for 14 years.
Then, she disinherited me.
She wouldn't let me leave the country, but I escaped.
Hope that bitch gets everything that's coming to her.
btw, if you mess with me - now you're messin' with a sonofabitch!
@newsthump What gets me is the number of monsters who hearted that. Worthless, and yet terrifying.
@newsthump He thinks empathy is a disease