“What grinds our gears is that a large corporation thinks it can come here and set the rules on the Swedish labor market,” says Trade Union Confederation president Susanna Gideonsson. “To think you can waltz in here as a feudal lord and think a whole country should adapt to one’s whims is just wrong.”
@parismarx is there any such thing as a large corporation that doesn’t feel it should be able to dictate the rules?
Playing "Jingo bells" again at Bloomberg's?
Nobody has to "choose between unions and EVs in #Scandinavia".
#VW Group already has circa 3 times #Tesla’s #EV market share in #Norway this quarter.
They surpassed Tesla in #Sweden…
…and are not far behind in #Denmark.
…for additional reading on "How to have unions AND a proper electric vehicle" see Wikipedia:
@parismarx It's what happens when you let The King Of The World into the house. He's a malevolent presence.
@parismarx People should regularly use the framing and specific phrase of “lords and peasants” to describe Musk’s operations and objectives.
Im pretty sure Scandinavians will tell Elmo to shove a frozen Cod up his ass.
@GatekeepKen @parismarx thank you for brilliant Caturday morning levity. i laughed so much , it took me several minutes to actually repeat your post to my husband. He was laughing at me laughing.
@GatekeepKen @parismarx Mr. Moon imprisoned after vet visit. turned his cone of shame into a cape.
@GatekeepKen @parismarx King of Stripes!!!
@parismarx Scandinavians at the thought that *Tesla* EVs might leave the market.
@parismarx mhum. Tesla and their feudal lord better leave the Swedish market. This is a fight we cannot afford to lose.
@parismarx Elon Musk is picking a strange hill to die on indeed. If, as Tesla claims, workers already have as good or better conditions than a collective bargaining agreement would guarantee, what’s the problem? Moreover, by negotiating an agreement, unions would not just back off and end the strikes, they would be legally obligated to. Strikes are illegal once a collective bargaining agreement is signed. There’s a reason (normal) businesses like them.
#Sweden #Tesla #ElonMusk
Title is incorrect. There are many other manufacturers of EVs. Sweden doesn't need Musk.
And alienating Scandinavia is a really bad idea for Musk; the single biggest selling car in Norway is a Tesla, and they've been pretty popular in the rest of Scandinavia too. He could be killing a big market here.
I was already a lot less inclined to buy Tesla, and this certainly isn't helping.
@mcv Until the engineering is finished and the supply chain problems of slavery, murder, pollution and corruption are stopped don't buy any EV.
@parismarx Applies to every country eying to subsidize Musk's investment, which is certainly made depending on prior agreed-on minimal to completely lacking regulation, including unionizing, to the exclusive advantage of Musk.
#ElectricVehicles #EVs #AnyOtherButTesla #Unionizing #SocialResponsibility #SocialAgreement #MuskSuX #TeslaSuX
@parismarx yup we call him Muskva
@parismarx Interesting headline, whoever wrote it seems very keen on pretending that Husk's shitty cars are the only EVs on the market. Actual eco-conscious Scandinavians would take one look at his cars and go to another supplier with vehicles actually adapted for eco-friendliness and the Nordic climate. The only ones missing Husk are tech bros in need of a dick extension on wheels.
@parismarx That being said, of course a USian would think that the ability to buy the law is a possibility everywhere, and with him being unintelligent enough to not bother doing any research before entering a new market, this was bound to blow up in his face. Sweden is looking forward to the lord of trash leaving.